Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation (Early Discharge Problem)

Ayurvedic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is exactly what it means – to ejaculate prematurely. Herein, the male partner achieves orgasm (ejaculates) way before his spouse’s liking, leading to embarrassing situations and marred relationships. If you have been fighting to get rid of this menace then ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation can be of great help.

What Is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is one of the most widespread forms of male sexual dysfunction.

Anxiety, fear and stress are some of the predisposing factors of Premature Ejaculation.  It is uncontrolled ejaculation (discharge of semen) either before or rapidly after sexual penetration at some point of sexual activity.

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man climaxes before he or his partner’s desire during sexual intercourse. Men dealing with premature ejaculation tend to orgasm within one minute of being sexually stimulated and are usually unable to delay ejaculation.

The situation influences as many as 1 out of 3 men and can lead to frustration and anxiety. Thousands of men suffer in silence while some men with premature ejaculation may additionally tend to stay away from sex as a result.

No man is immune to premature ejaculation, no matter what he does for a living, where he lives or which belief system he follows.

Statistically, 1 out of every 3 males reported experiencing the condition at least once in his life. Having occasional encounters with premature ejaculation is normal but the problem arises when the condition persists.

Proper diagnosis and treatment for premature ejaculation become essential when regaining sexual prowess is a priority.

Although premature ejaculation does not impact the individual’s overall health, it can wreck misery in personal life. The short-lived sexual intercourse is bound to leave the spouse unsatisfied and the male embarrassed, which translates to relationship stress.

Additionally, fertilization becomes an issue in cases where the semen is discharged extra-vaginally.

Types of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be divided as:

Lifelong Premature Ejaculation (primary): 

Lifelong premature ejaculation happens all or most of the time experiencing your first sexual encounters.

Acquired Premature Ejaculation (secondary): 

Acquired premature ejaculation takes place after you’ve had similar sexual experiences related to ejaculatory problems.

Some of these men may experience natural differentiating premature ejaculation, which comprise of periods of early ejaculation as well as intermittent normal ejaculation. 

What Ayurvedic Texts Say About Premature Ejaculation?

Ayurveda considers “kama” (desire/sex) as an integral part of life. The ancient ayurvedic literature describes various aspects of “sex” and its social, cultural and medicinal importance.

“Kalyana malla” an epic writer and poet in the 16th century India authored “Anangaranga”, an ancient literature that talks about gaining maximum pleasure and satisfaction during sexual intercourse. It talks in detail about the various body parts of women that should be stimulated to give her sexual satisfaction.

Anangaranga also describes the types of sexual unions depending on their length of time. These are:

  • Sheeghra sambhava (short-timed)
  • Madhyam Sambhava (moderate timed)
  • Chirasambhava (long timed)

Kalyanamalla has prescribed several remedies to delay ejaculation. It also signifies the role of mind during sexual activity and how it affects the performance.

In ayurveda there are eight factors responsible for the developement of premature ejaculation. These are:

  1. Harsha (meaning excitement, fantasy)
  2. Tarsha (very strong desire to have sex)
  3. Saratwat (low viscosity of semen or water like semen)
  4. Paicchilya (slime like semen)
  5. Gaurava (heaviness of semen, excess semen)
  6. Anutva (atomicity)
  7. Pravanabhava (tendency to flow out easily)
  8. Drutatvat Marutasya (due to Vata dosha)

Any of these eight factors or a combination of these may be responsible for premature ejaculation. But the commonest cause among these is the “drutavat marutsya”.

According to ayurvedic principles the physiology of ejaculation is controlled by the Vata dosha. So any imbalance or deviation in Vata is usually responsible for PE.

Can Ayurvedic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation Give You A Lasting Relief?

Yes, according to Ayurveda, premature ejaculation exists through the imbalance of Vata (air) and Pitta Dosha at the initiation of physical mating.

The predominance of anxiety or nervousness can aggravate these doshas before the sexual act. Vata is described by its characteristics of stimulation and heightened sensitivity to the sense of touch.

The increase in Vata creates a tendency for faster ejaculation. Pitta plays a function in the thinning of the semen, thereby supporting its early ejaculation.

Secondly, these aggravated doshas generate hyperactivity of muscle tissues in the male penis; as a result, growing sensitivity to vibration and subsequently leading to premature ejaculation.

Vājīkaraṇa is a specialized branch of Āyurveda which aims to promote the sexual well-being of a healthy man as well as that of sexually weak patients.

The therapy which provides sexual strength, power, manhood, sexual desire, erection of penis and pleasure in the intercourse is known as Vājīkaraṇa.

Vajikaran therapy is said to equilibrize all the seven dhatus (body elements), therefore, it rejuvenates, balances and brings equilibrium.

In Vājīkaraṇa, the treatment option which extends the time of sexual intercourse is regarded as ŚukraStambhaka.

9 Best Ayurvedic Medicines For Premature Ejaculation (Single Herbs)

Ayurveda has a well defined chapter for the treatment of sexual problems. This is called Vajikarana. Vajikarana is the branch of ayurvedic medicine that deals with issues like psycological, physical and sexual disorders like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido etc. The vajikarana medicines provide strength, stamina, vitality and also nourishes the sexual organs.

The following ayurvedic medicines for premature ejaculation are described under Vajikarana therapy:

  1. Erandamoola (Ricinus communis Linn.)
  2. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri Linn)
  3. Mandukaparni (Centella asciatica Linn)
  4. Amlaki (emblica officinalis)
  5. Jatiphal (myristica frangrans)
  6. Putrajeevaka
  7. Jāvitrī
  8. Lavanga
  9. Kaunch Beej

1. Erandmoola For Premature Ejaculation

erenadmool for premature ejaculation treatment

Erandamoola and Vanari Kalpa has demonstrated to be effective against premature ejaculation because of its aphrodisiac and Vata balancing properties. The research claimed that when taken together, they boost up the duration of sexual activity by eliminating the performance anxiety.

Erandmoola (Ricinus communis) is a plant. Its root is used for the treatment of vata dosha. Erandmool is the best ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation. It is a drug of choice for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Erandmool is an excellent aphrodisiac and due to its vata correcting properties it is also very effective against PE.

2. Brahmi: Excellent Ayurvedic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation

brahmi ayurvedic herb

Brahmi is recognized as one of the best rejuvenating herbs in improving libido and overall sexual performance in men.

In some clinical studies, it has shown to be useful for patients with sexual inadequacy. It not only increases sexual desire but also without any noticeable adverse effects.

Patients with premature ejaculation have clinically presented a superior level of improvement with Brahmi as compared to other drugs.

Brahmi has anti-anxiety, adaptogen and stress-relieving properties. If the cause of premature ejaculation is related to performance anxiety then Brahmi is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation that should be used.

Many ayurvedic texts including the Charaka Samhita have mentioned Brahmi as a very potent ayurvedic medicine for early discharge problem.

3. Mandukaparni (Centella asciatica)

Centella asciatica is ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation
Centella asciatica

Centella asciatica is also known as Gotu kola. It is found in most parts of Asia. It is a neuroprotective herb. It is widely used in several herbal supplements used for the treatment of neurological disorders. It is also known to be an effective aphrodisiac. Due to neuroprotective and tonic properties it is also used in ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation.

It is considered a significant ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation in India. It is widely known for its regenerative characteristics.“The complete book on Jatropha” stated about its efficacy in psychological disorders due to its anti-anxiety, calming and stress relieving properties.

Furthermore, it stated its beneficial effects in the treatment of weakness in aphrodisiac and in loss of libido. A study conducted in 2017 also discovered the amazing effects of Mandukaparni for the management of premature ejaculation.

4. Amlaki


Amla is generally used for digestive disorders like hyper acidity, indigestion and constipation. But did you know that amla can also be used to treatment premature ejaculation.

Amla has a constrictive and retentive effect on semen. Regular use of Amla can therefore delay the process of ejaculation and give relief if you are suffering from PE.

Amla is used as an active ingredient in many premature ejaculation ayurvedic medicine.

The scientific name of AMLAKI is Phyllanthus Emblica, one of the best medicines for premature ejaculation in India.

It is extracted from Indian Gooseberry trees and is known as Amla locally. Different studies demonstrated that it improves the sexual health of patients suffering from premature ejaculation when taken in combination with other herbal medicines.

It is also revealed to enhance libido due to its anti-cancer, antioxidant and analgesic properties. It is worth mentioning that this mother of all herbal medicine is renowned for its immune-boosting attributes and anti-ageing features as well.

5. Jatiphal (Myristica Fragrans)


Jatiphal is mentioned in Ayurveda and Unani system of medicine as a potent herb for treating sexual dysfunctions in men. It is very commonly used in most Indian dishes as a spice.

In alternative medicine like ayurveda it is known for its aphrodisiac, carminative, aromatic, tonic, nervous stimulant and anti inflammatory properties.

It has an exotic taste with a sweet and seductive aroma. The complete book on Jatropha revealed that it not only improves psychological anxiety related to performance issues in bed but also enhances lack of sexual desire, and decreases impotency in males.

Jatiphal has been used widely by Unani and traditional medicine for the indications such as loss of libido, weak sexual desire and premature ejaculation.

6. Putranjeevaka


Putranjeevaka increases sexual desire, penile erection, penile rigidity, ejaculation time, orgasm score, and the period of sexual activity significantly.

It not only enhances sperm motility but also decrease the count of immobile sperms—a decrease in mid-piece and tail abnormality.

7. Javitri


The botanical name of Javitri is Myristica Fragrans. It is not only beneficial in the prevention of premature ejaculation but also has unique anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and analgesic traits.

Moreover, it is mucolytic, making mucus in our respiratory lining, very thin, less sticky and more natural to cough up.

Myristicin and Elemicin have stimulated, and soothing effect on our central nervous system and these compounds are naturally present in Javitri.

Although, It has been seen to improve libido and prevents premature ejaculation in men; It also relieves dysmenorrheal pain in women.

8. Lavanga


It is known as clove and is being used in Greek (Unani) medicine to treat male sexual disorders for a long time.

The latest research indicates that when taken orally, it has a strong association with mounting recurrence, intercourse frequency and latency.

It is also known to increase quick flips, long flips and penile reflexes. The post-ejaculatory interval is noted in the abundance of patients.

That is why it is one of the best herbal medicine which can be used to treat premature ejaculation.

Additionally, this aphrodisiac effect of Lavaṅga lends its use in the treatment of premature ejaculation since ancient times.

9. Kaunch Beej

Kaunch Increasing Your Sex Power
Kaunch Increasing Your Sex Power

Kaunch beej or Cowhage is commonly known as “The magic velvet bean”. It is a leguminous plant and is an excellent source of protein.

Kaunch beej will increase sexual desire and boost the volume of the sperm because of its aphrodisiac property.

The most effective way of consuming Kaunch beej powder is with milk. External publicity to the hair of the Kaunch beej pod or the seed itself can cause severe itching, burning and rashes.

Some studies also revealed that Kaunch beej maximizes sexual performance by delaying the ejaculation time.

Apart from these single herbs, compound formulations like Katphaladi kwatha, swarna bhasma and rasa sindhura are also very effective premature ejaculation ayurvedic medicine.

Panchkarma treatments like Vasti and Shirodhara and also found to be beneficial for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

  • Chinese Herbal Medicine: Yimusake tablets or Qilin pills have been said to improve premature ejaculation by increasing the sexual stamina and energy levels in male.
  • Topical creams for male early ejaculation problems: OTC creams such as lidocaine can also be used as local anaesthetics and can desensitize the penis area, hence, delaying the climax.
  • The benefit of Zinc supplements in male ejaculation time: Zinc supplements can boost your libido and testosterone, therefore might improve the ejaculation time.
  • Lifestyle changes that can help in premature ejaculation: You can practise yoga as it has proven to be very effective against premature ejaculation.
  • Orgasm control technique: When you are about to climax ask your partner to hold the penis for at least for several seconds until your urge to climax has been subsided. This will eventually delay your climax time, hence, improving your ejaculation time.
  • Exercise: Many studies have revealed that pelvic floor exercises improve premature ejaculation. You can try them and see how it works for you.

Scientific Factors That Cause Premature Ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation can be attributed to some psychological and biological factors, which individually or collectively can force you to seek premature ejaculation treatment.

Psychological Factors:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Stress and depression
  • Sexual abuse
  • Faulty notions about sex
  • A sense of nervousness or guilt
  • Sexual experiences at an early age
  • Situations where climax has to be achieved swiftly

Biological Factors:

  • Surgery or trauma inflicting damage on the nervous system
  • Running in the family, from father to son
  • Prostate infection
  • A faulty ejaculatory mechanism
  • Neurotransmitter anomaly
  • Imbalanced sex hormone levels
  • Prolonged illness

Misconceptions about Premature Ejaculation

There are some common misconceptions about premature ejaculation. For successful treatment of premature ejaculation and patient education, it is important to clear these misconceptions.

Common misconceptions about PE are given below:

#1 Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation Are Similar Conditions

These two conditions are absolutely different. With erectile disorder, a man has difficulty in maintaining an erection in the course of sex.

Premature ejaculation, on the other hand, refers to the lack of ability to control ejaculation.

Some men with premature ejaculation also suffer from erectile dysfunction. But these two disorders are not the same thing.

#2 Premature Ejaculation happens due to Anxiety

Premature ejaculation occurs for a number of different factors. However, a psychological condition is not one of those things.

In fact, a study has found that men with this condition don’t have anxiety initially, however, due to poor performance in bed they might suffer from anxiety at later stages.

#3 Premature Ejaculation Does Not Affect the Partner

Premature ejaculation impacts each partner. It can make it very difficult to maintain a healthy sexual relationship.

Researchers have observed that partners of men struggling from this situation have a tendency to be sexually dissatisfied, which can lead to troubles in the relationship.

#4 Premature Ejaculation Only Affects Young Men

Many individuals consider that premature ejaculation solely affects younger men.

They discover that it decreases as an individual age and learns to manipulate it.

However, that is not true. The incidence stays steady from the teen years to the age of 50 and more.

#5 Premature Ejaculation Happens Every Time You Have Sex

Research indicates that premature ejaculation is diagnosed on an individual basis upon the consultation with a health professional.

Some men have decent sexual management with some partners but experience premature ejaculation with others.

Also, stress, such as unemployment or money issues, can make this situation even worse.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Early Discharge Problem Vs Modern Medicine

Modern medicine employs a multi-modal approach to cure premature ejaculation. Typically, sex therapy, medications and cognitive behavior therapy are applied depending on the cause and effects of the condition. While counseling is helpful and harmless, the same cannot be stated about tablets for premature ejaculation prescribed by mainstream practitioners. The situation calls for alternative medicine that’s safe, effective, easy to follow and economical.

For premature ejaculation, natural ayurvedic treatment is the need of the hour. Ayurveda may actually exceed your expectations. The ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation is a safe, effective and permanent cure. There are no side effects unlike the anti depressants that are commonly prescribed by modern medical practitioners. There is no need to undergo complicated therapies or intake dangerous psychotropic drugs.

At Ayurvedic Expert, we have created a very effective and safe herbal package to treat premature ejaculation permanently. You will get more time, improved libido and better sexual prowess in a tidy little package.

The medicines used in this ayurvedic package for premature ejaculation contain natural ingredients selected through the most cherished traditions of Ayurveda. This ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation is proven to relieve stress and restore ejaculatory mechanism and hormonal balance.


To sum up, it can be concluded that extensive research needs to be done to acknowledge ayurvedic treatment for premature ejaculation. However, with the research and expertise, we have in this area it can be stated that ayurvedic medicine for early discharge problem has proved to be effective against a number of male sexual disorders. Not only that, but it also enhances the overall well-being of people with minimal or no side effects at all. Some people might be asked to avoid certain herbs due to allergies or a pre-existing health condition but still, a large number of individuals can still benefit from these ayurvedic herbs.

88 thoughts on “Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation (Early Discharge Problem)”

  1. Tapas Bhattacharya

    Hello Doctor,
    I am(aged 61yrs.) suffering from 2 problems for a long time hence my partner is not all happy with me.
    Problems :
    1. Erection is not permanent … sex drive /libido is reduced completely.
    2. Just after inserting pennis I can not control ejaculations. within 1/1.5 minutes, it happens.
    3. My pennis size is also small. when fully erected max 4.5 inch.

    pls suggest.

  2. Dear doctor ,How are you! i need your help!

    1,I am 50 years old now.No other diseases in the body. penis size about 8cm to 13cm; After each premature ejaculation and shoot, the penis becomes soft. Now the sexual desire is also very weak;Age increases at any time. Feeling the diameter of the penis getting smaller.But normal erection. Lifelong Premature Ejaculation (primary)!
    i remenber: I had a history of masturbation during my youth (around the ages of 12 to 20 years old). Premature sexual experience. but from 26 years old from now I have never masturbated before!

    2, I myself suffer from primary premature ejaculation (which means I have never had normal ejaculation since having sexual intercourse).
    Usually, within a minute of entering the vagina, the penis feels uncontrollable and ejaculates!

    3, I have tried many formulas of traditional Chinese medicine in China. I have also tried some drugs from other countries. External anesthesia spray, etc. But they all failed! But I have never tried “dapoxetine”. Because I know these are chemically synthesized hormone drugs. Its side effects are significant. At the same time, it cannot achieve a cure result.

    4, A few years ago, I sold many premature ejaculation and penile enlargement drugs on behalf of an Indian company (HASHMI); i tried it by myself. but useless!

    5, My request:
    Can you provide me with a package based on my situation? Is there a price activity for purchasing your designated package? For the smooth customs clearance. A package of 3-4 bottles. It’s best to bring a doctor’s prescription certificate!
    When I finish using medication, it can solve my problem. I would like to represent you for the large-scale sales of these products in our country?

    I hope to receive your prompt reply!

  3. Hello Doctor,

    I need your opinion.

    I am 33 years old, single, and free of any diseases or allergies.

    I browsed your website’s merchandise, but I wanted your advice before making a purchase.

    Pennis Size between 5.1 and 5.3 inches when Pennis erection happened.

    First of all, Pennis’ erection is not becoming stronger; it returned to normal after two minutes ( non erected).

    Second, when I am being sucked, premature ejaculation does not happen; nevertheless, when I am having an anal intercourse and the pennis is inside the vaginal, the sprem releases in less than a minute.

    Please make a recommendation for me stronger erection, enhance pennis size, and increasing sex time( sperm should not release sooner)

    Lastly, is that delivery available in Australia and please share the dosage, time and how to take it (water/ milk)

    1. Hello sir my problem is quick ejaculation due to masturbation please I need best medicine for that and I may need your WhatsApp number for more details please sir

  4. Hi Sir, I am 32 years of age, and allover I am very fit, but only problem I have is ED & PE, I need you to suggest me some Ayurvedic permanent treatment for this problem of mine..
    Thanks & Regards.

  5. Hi Sir, I am 66 years of age, and allover I am very fit, but only problem I have is ED & PE, I need you to suggest me some Ayurvedic permanent treatment for this problem of mine..
    Thanks & Regards.

  6. I am facing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for many years. Tendency to ejaculate within 1 min or before penetration. Please help with right medicine

  7. I am facing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for many years. Tendency to ejaculate within 1 min or before penetration. Please help with right medicine

  8. Hi
    I have a problem of erectile dysfunction and ejaculation early with in seconds.
    Please help.
    Age 35.
    Please suggest you can ship this medicine to UAE.
    And course duration.

  9. Suffering from ED and PE i take pills tadafill and paroxitine but side effects want ayurvedic treatment with no side effects

  10. I am facing problem in premature ejaculation early discharge and couldn’t hold long erection. I am under weight according to my age 28. Please refer me medicine for pre mature ejaculation and good erection.

    1. Did you try our Xtra Power Capsule? Its a very effective and safe medicine to completely cure ED as well as PE problem.

      1. I am facing a problem in premature ejaculation early discharge and couldn’t hold a long erection, I cant hold even 1 to 2 minutes, I feel very bad and sorry for my wife. I am 40 now, I’m facing this problem for the last 2 years. Please refer me to medicine for premature ejaculation and good erection.

      2. Dear Dr i need a permanent solution for pe and erectile disfunction could you please suggest me what should i do

  11. Hi hallo sir.. I have PE problem with in 1 mnt I having discharge and could not enjoy the sex.. pls suggest me which medicine solve my problem

  12. Hi Doctor,

    How long we should use Time Bomb cure PE completely. is this supplement we should take before bed time.. how to use and how long should we use. are there any side effects.

    1. Duration of treatment depends on the severity and duration of illness. For most cases, however, a 3 months course is sufficient to provide a permanent cure from PE.

  13. Hello sir, my problem is that I am not able to have sex for more than 2 minutes and my penis gets lost while doing it. It is a problem for 5 yrs.

  14. Hlo sir .I Rohit Gurung
    My problem is that i cant sex for a few secnd also .which medican can i tak for it .

  15. I am from Malaysia and 37 years old. I am having PE from the first sexual encounter. During younger time I use to masturbate and to avoid be cought by parents I did it so it will come fast. Now it’s been the norm.
    How can I improve

    1. I ‘m 42 years old and suffering from PE AND ED.In my teenage i have used to handling about 5to 6 year and more than thrice a day .Now i cann’t do sex more than 2 minutes.please guide me how i can improve my sex drive in bed .

  16. I am 48 years old and i require medicine for pre mature ejeculation as i cant last for more than a minute can u pls help me out in prescribing Ayurveda medicine and will it help

  17. Hello doctor
    I am 45 years old male suffering with early ejaculation and ED and small penis of 2.5 inch.Need good medicine. can you send me your med. in USA

    1. Hi Sushil,

      For your requirements, I suggest you the All In One Sex Power package. It will help you fulfill all your requirements that you have mentioned in your comment.

      1. What all included in this package? Want to resolve all the problems PE and ED and increase Sperm volume and thickness and some improvement in P size. Please suggest. I am from Mumbai.

        1. Hello sir my problem is quick ejaculation due to masturbation please I need best medicine for that and I may need your WhatsApp number for more details please sir


    1. Sugges ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation erectile dysfunction branded company I am 60 year’s old and suffering from charons gastritis and ibs and no any other problems

  19. Hey Dr. Saleem, I’m 30 now and has never really enjoyed sex. The twice experience I’ve had in which I saw myself having this PE really got me worried now that I’m abt getting married. Pls, assure me of the product’s effectiveness, cost, and how I could get it in Nigeria. Thanks!

    1. Hi Ibrahim,

      Our premature ejaculation package is a specialized treatment for rectifying the early discharge problem. This is completely safe and gives permanent results. We can send our medicines to Nigeria. Please order online.

  20. Hello doctor, my name is Manish Kumar 24yrs old unmarried I I have a problem of precum leakage so I ordered your PE Package and I got three different different medicine in the box, sir pls tell me how to take these pills pls sir reply.

    1. Hi Manish,

      Please get in touch with us through email (doctor at or through whatsapp (6398786962).

  21. Dear Doctor,
    I am Ziauddeen, age 47. I am suffering with premature ejacuation and erectile disfunction. I need your advice and treatment

    1. Dear Ziauddeen,

      For premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, you should use the premature ejaculation package. This package not only increases timing but works for ED as well.

      1. Need ur help on pme. I am 32 and having problem with PME. I dont hve erectile dysfunction. Kindly get back to me, i can provide u more details

    2. Sir mujai surat a anzal huta hay plz our maira ling 2.5 inh hay plz help premature Ejacalaction i need to help

  22. Hello doctor
    I am 45 years old male suffering with early ejaculation and small penis of 2.5 inch in normal condition for the last 10 years. During intercourse the size becomes 3.5 inch and it will be over in 20 seconds of entering the vagina. hence I ask you to suggest me to solve both this problem and i want to enjoy my sex. What will be the time period require to get improvement. I already tried with black seed oil, olive oil for penis application. Also i am eating regularly padam, pista.

    1. Dr. Saleem Zaidi

      Hi Ravikumar,

      For your problems I would suggest you to go for the Premature ejaculation package along with XTL Plus pills. While PE pack will rectify your early discharge problem, the XTL pills will help you improve the size which is on the lower side at 3.5 inch post erection. I am sure these two treatments when combined as described will give you better response.

  23. I have had a sad life in the regard of sexual dysfunction as ED started for me at 29 and have problems all my life. Never lasted more than a minute or two without the use of very strong anesthetics. The problem is then I cannot ejaculate by such usage. At age of 60+, I underwent penile implant operation. Now firmness not an issue but PE persists. Tried antidepressants but they are of no use. Implants means your simulated erection does not go away after ejaculation but it is tough to get another one. With implant, you remain firm after ejaculation but there is no pleasure. I have problems with Chinese medicines because they cause high blood pressure for me and I have taken blood pressure pills for 40. J years. Just curious as to what your medicine says about my case.

    1. Hi Kurt Wu,

      That is why we never suggest anyone to go for implants or any other surgery. What is the point of having an erection and having sex if there is no feeling. Sex is not a mechanical process. Its more of an emotional bonding and inner fulfillment. Artificial erection with implants will never give you great sex. Its just a “for the sake of it” kind of thing which is not sex is all about.

      Anyways, now that you have already gone through it there is least that can be done now. Try to enjoy what little you have been left with.

  24. Hello Doctor,
    I am facing early discharge problem i.e premature ejaculation from last 9 years. My age is 29 and m single now. I have tried lots of ayurvedic medicines from patanjali, Jiva ayurveda and many more.. But my problem is still the same. I also facing nightfall problem twice or thrice in a month.
    My penis muscles is also very weak… My semen is very very thin. I waste lots of money in medicine but not get relief yet, problem is still the same.
    I am very much upset, please guide me what can I do…. Is my problem can be cure permanently or not. Please help me.
    Waiting for your valuable response.

    1. Dr. Saleem Zaidi

      Hi Rahul,

      Treating premature ejaculation is difficult. Most of the doctors dont know how to deal with it. Fortunately you have come to the right place. You should use our Premature Ejaculation Treatment. This will help you last longer in bed.

      1. I m facing PE. Can u suggest me some good treatment for this issue. I have not sex last 2 year with any female partner but I have done Most of time masterpacn . Can I Relif from this issue. Plz suggest me on my mail I’d. I m waiting ur answer


  25. sir, before starting intercourse wid my gitrlfrnd, sometimes my penis gets excited and straight, and in full mature but when my penis touch to vagina for entry to have sex then my penis gets down, total excitment goes down..why its is?please suggest me for better treatment for sex??

    1. Dr. Saleem Zaidi

      Hi Sameer,

      What you are experiencing is called ED or erectile dysfunction. There are two broad causes of ED:
      1) Psycological
      2) Physical

      Most of the people have psychological cause for ED. Stress related to your performance, fear of not being able to perform as per the expectations, past failures, fear of getting caught in the act are some of the most common causes of this problem.

      Only 2-5% of the patients have a physical cause of ED. Physical causes include injury to the penis, nerve damage, blockage, neuropathy and atherosclerosis due diabetes mellitus etc.

      In case of psychological issues all you need is to be reassured that the problem will be resolved quickly and permanently. With proper medicinal help you will be able to start performing well and this will eliminate the fear / stress from your mind. Once the mind gets accustomed to normal sexual behaviour the medicines are withdrawn gradually.

      For you I would suggest Xtra Power Capsules for just one month. Try it and let me know the results.

      1. thank u so much sir.your suggestions are valuable for me as i thought, u gave me right ideas.thanks a lot.will try to continue your midicines sir..

  26. Dear Dr
    I’m Riyaz, 27 years old. I’m single, before 1 year back I have habit of doing handjob. Now I have disease of Pre ejaculation fluid. Please help me to out from this disease. Is there any home and treatment for this issue. Please comment.

    1. Hi Riyaz,

      Doing handjob for very long time can make your veins, and nerves weak. And this may result in premature ejaculation and sexual weakness. Its good that you have left this habit. Now in order to replenish your weak nerves you need to undergo treatment which will last 2-3 months for complete cure.

  27. To whom it may concern ,
    I am 25 year old . i suffer from premature ejection . i try to visit India but cant get the visa . and i want solution for my problem because it create a lot of problems in my life i feel that that is the end of my life so please take me in account and find solution for my problems.
    best regards

  28. Hi Doctor , I ejaculate the moment I insert , I am 47 years old and never enjoyed my sex life ..kindly help me..What do I do and where do I get the medicine from..

  29. Hi doctor
    My name is arun. I m suffering from early ejaculation. I have tried aspargus powder from last 2 months but i am still as today as 2 months before. I just got ejaculate within 10 or 15 updowns. Doctor please help me so that I can save my married life. I also want to know if there is any side effect of the particular medicine.

  30. I have been facing erectile dysfunction problem from 2-3years , i realize it
    late and then i consulted some ayurvedic doctor and had prescription for more than 6 months but still i did not get cured and next month i m getting married and this makes me worried about my married life.

    Doctor please help me i want to enjoy my married life with my wife.

    1. Hi Bunty,

      I suggest you to use our Xtra Power Capsules for 3 months and gain full confidence to enjoy every single minute of your married life. It is one of the best remedies available for erectile dysfunction.

      1. Hi doc..
        I’m Sam..where I buy extra power capsules? It is available in the pharmacy here in Abu Dhabi-UAE
        Your reply is highly appreciated..
        Please reply to my email..
        God bless and thank you..

  31. I am very much depressed as I am suffering from erectile dysfunction, very early ejaculation, soft and small penis having no sexual excitement/feeling/desire. kindly suggest best medicine

  32. sir,
    I am very much depressed as I am suffering from erectile dysfunction, very early ejaculation, soft and small penis having no sexual excitement/feeling/desire. kindly suggest best medicine

  33. Hii. I’m 22 yrs old n I’m nt enjoying my married life. I ejaculate within 2 mins. I want to have a hapy sex life with my wife. Can my sex time stand for more than 20 mins. What therapy I’ve to do n for how many months for permanent result

  34. I had nil sperm sexual problem from many years .a 1 year back i consult ayurvedic doctor and took medicens for 2 months course …then i coming nightfalls and intersest in sex desire but semen leakage problem arise back 8 months during urine and anyreason all day and in night semen leakage problem more .. so plz sugest what medication i take that is best to stop semen leakage problem

  35. My age isnow 40 years and suffering from premature ejeculation from beginning of marriage life. Three times i tried to solve problem by allopathy medicine at age of 26,31 and 36 each time i took tablets for 1/2 months and stopped due to no improvement. At age 39 I took abhayamritarasayanam 1 spoon daily for 4 months and spermacot granuals (1 spoon daily) for 4 months(kottakal). Now only1 in 4 cases successful to prolong time for 3-5 min.Please guide me for medicine for 100% success. My erection is less hard than before 3 years. Is it due to overdose of alopathy/ ayurvedic medicine or due to increasing age ?

      1. Is there any side effect..? Do I need to take this medicines forever ..? I am just curious about the side effects and result of this medicines

  36. Rajbeer Chatterjee

    I am 36+, I was suffered the problem with premature ejaculation & very low volume of semen for last 20 yrs. So, kindly suggest how can I relief from that problem?

    1. Hi,

      You should go for our premature ejaculation package. This treatment should be used for 3 months to get a permanent cure.

  37. “divya yauvanamrit vati” :- I heard about this ayurvedic medicine online,
    Can we just go on consume it for needful results.

    1. Hi Prateek,

      This is a classical ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation. You can use it initially if the symptoms are not that severe. If the problem is for a long period of time you may need to consult a doctor for better treatments. Or you can use our special treatment for premature ejaculation for better results.

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