Do you want to know about the best ayurvedic medicine for weight loss? If you have been struggling to loose weight and you have tried everything under the sun without luck, this article is for you.
By the time you finish reading this you would know exactly what you need to do in order to shed those extra pounds and look slim, fit, healthy and beautiful again.
Obesity is a growing public health hazard that can affect anyone at any stage of the life cycle. If WHO is something to go by, 39% of males and 39% of females were overweight globally in 2016, of which 650 million were obese. Thankfully, you can stay fit and loose those extra kilos if you know the right approach. Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss along with lifestyle management and diet control is what you need to succeed in your quest to stay fit and healthy.
While the WHO figures are alarming and constantly progressive, the problem cannot be nailed down to one single source. Many acquire excessive weight due to a sedentary lifestyle and metabolic disorders while in other cases, certain physical and mental conditions, overeating and genetic constitution are responsible.
Understand The Basics Of Body Weight
Before we start a weight loss program it is very important to understand the basics of body weight. You should have a clear idea about your ideal body weight beforehand. Having a set target and a clear approach to reach that target is the first thing you should know. You should understand where you stand. Whether you fall under the overweight category, obese, or underweight category.
Your body weight depends on many factors. Your height and body frame type decide your ideal body weight. A six feet tall person with lean figure will weight heavier than a 5 feet tall person with fat appearance. So weight is not the only criteria when deciding whether you need to to loose weight or not. Similarly two persons having same height but different body frame (one with broad frame and one with small frame) will weight differently even if they have similar external appearance.
Three weight categories are defined broadly:
- Over Weight
- Obese
- Underweight
This classification of body weight is based on B.M.I. or body mass index. BMI is actually a value derived from the height and weight of the person. If we divide the weight of the person measured in kilograms (Kg) with the height measured in meter squares (m²) we get a numerical value known as BMI. If the BMI is between 18.5 kg/m² and 25 kg/m² you fall in the normal weight category, if its is between 25-30 kg/m² you are overweight. BMI above 30 kg/m² suggests obesity and below 18.5 kg/m² suggests that you are underweight.
Why Weight Loss Is Important?

Who wants to look fat? No one. But its not just about your appearance and personality grooming, there are several medical conditions that arise due to excessive body weight.
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, the health risks that are associated with being overweight include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, depressions, infertility and joint pains. Low self esteem, depression and anxiety are also associated with obesity.
There are countless health benefits of weight loss. When you loose weight you reduce your risks for developing diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer, joint pains and depression. And if you already have developed these diseases, then you will see tremendous improvements in your health.
Weight loss is the first and the best gift you can give yourself for a healthy life. And the best part is that you do not need to reduce tens of kilos in order to see the health improvement. Research shows that even a slight reduction in weight can significantly improve the health and quality of life in overweight and obese people.
Aside from the medical health benefits, weight loss also brings several lifestyle benefits for you. Fit and slim people are more active than those who are overweight and obese. They have better confidence, more energy, better sleep, better mood and better sex life.
Weight Loss Process In Ayurveda
Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss is based on the following approach-
(1) Detoxification

Detoxification is the process of cleansing up the body channels from inside. It is an integral part of the weight loss program in ayurveda. For detoxification we recommend that you use only liquids for a whole day at least once in a week. You can choose any day of the week as per your convenience and on that particular day you eat nothing. Instead just consume water, fresh fruit juice, lime water, buttermilk (chaach) and other detox drinks throughout the day.
Doing detox once a week will cleanse your system from harmful toxins and strengthen the liver functions. Which is essential for weight loss.
(2) Diet Planning

Diet planning is another important aspect of weight loss in ayurveda. Without proper diet planning you can never achieve your weight loss goal. According to ayurvedic principles there is predominance of kapha dosha is over weight and obese people. So diet and herbs that suppress kapha dosha are advised.
Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss is a holistic way of healing. It does not believe in short cuts. Nor does it advocates starving or strict dieting to loose weight. Ayurveda supports the view that a balanced diet along with some basic principles of healthy living is all you need for weight loss.
Basic principles of diet planning are :
- Eat balanced diet : When it comes to weight loss the first thing that is the most important is a balanced diet. Do not starve yourself from anything. Eat every naturally occurring edible item that is available according to the season. Your diet should consist of enough proteins (daal), carbohydrates (rice and chapati), fats (desi ghee), fiber (salad), vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables). Do not remove carbs and fats from your diet. Many people do it to loose weight fast. But this is not recommended. Fats and carbs are equally important for our body. Avoid refined foods (refined oil, white refined sugar), processed and packed food and sweets. It is also important to see how you cook your food. Because the way you cook your food can decide the success or failure of your weight loss plan. A healthy food item, if cooked in an unhealthy way (deep frying) can be more harmful than something which is less healthy but cooked in a healthy way (roasted, baked, shallow fried).
- Follow basic healthy rules : Following the basic rules are important for weight loss. It is advised to take 5-6 small meals daily instead of 3 major meals. Avoid munching of unhealthy snacks. Drink lime water or simple lukewarm water in the morning before breakfast. Eat dinner before 7 pm and walk slowly for 15-20 minutes after dinner. These are small easy tips that are very basic but their significance for weight loss can not be underestimated.
- Include kapha pacifying foods in your diet : Overweight and obese people have Kapha dosha predominance. So to balance this aggravated dosha you should add foods that pacify the kapha in your body. Spinach, sprouts, brown rice, pumpkin, lemon, cherry and berries are all kapha pacifying foods that can be used for weight loss
(3) Exercise / Yoga

Regular exercise is required to loose weight. Yoga is also highly effective for weight loss. Doing 40 minutes of exercise daily 5 times a week can do wonders for you. Your workout regime should consist of aerobics and weight training. Yoga is another effective way to loose weight. Plank, Virabhadrasana, Trikonasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Sarvangasana, dhanurasana etc are all effective yoga poses for weight loss.
(4) Meditation

Meditation is the practice to connect your mind, body and soul together. Many people question how meditation can help in weight loss? Well, there is no direct link or scientific data to prove the connection, but it is believed that it gives you the motivation to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Also it allows one to introspect his own beliefs, weaknesses and tone down his desires and fantasies. Meditation gives you inner peace which in turn guides you through the right path to fitness.
(5) Panchkarma

According to ayurvedic medicine for weight loss the tendency of a person to loose or gain weight depends primarily on the doshas. Therefore just following a diet plan and exercise will not give you permanent results. You need to correct the underlying cause which is the “dosha imbalance”. This is where panchkarma comes in handy. Below are some of the panchkarma treatments that are used for weight loss:
- Swedna: This is herbal steam therapy. It releases toxins from the body.
- Kizhi: This is hot fomentation therapy with the help of medicated herbal pouches.
- Udavarthanam: In this therapy massage with dry herbal powder is done to remove cellulite.
- Abhyanga: This is an oil massage over the body for rejuvenation.
Top 5 Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Loss
Doing away with the stubborn fat accumulated across the body is essential but it’s always a tough task. People experiment with their diet, use weight loss products and procedures but usually to no avail.
Often the weight loss methods are faulty and prove detrimental to the person’s overall health, exposing him/her to serious conditions. Ayurveda, fortunately, steps in as a reliable, safe and effective remedy for weight loss.
Ayurveda, the science of health and longevity, addresses weight loss issues holistically. For a change, Ayurveda and modern medicine are on the same page when it comes to the cause of obesity.
Both attribute the condition to unevenness in the caloric intake and disbursing. As such, both emphasizes on diet control and physical activity.
However, the mainstream medicine may recommend potentially dangerous surgical interventions like bariatric surgery (which involves removal of the lower part of stomach) while a typical weight loss ayurvedic medicine is simple, natural and devoid of side effects. Also keep in mind that ayurveda is not just a healing system of medicine, its a way of life and guides you towards the path of a healthy living.
Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss relies exclusively on natural therapeutic ingredients. There are several ayurvedic herbs that are known for their weight reducing properties, but here we give you the top 5 most effective ayurvedic medicine for weight loss without side effects. These herbs are given below in no particular order (means they are not listed rank wise). These are :
#1 Kalongi (Nigella Sativa) For Weight Loss

Kalongi or Nigella Sativa is a seed which is commonly used in many food items in India. It has got several health benefits including weight loss. It burns the fat and promotes perfect body mass index.
Kalongi is also used for managing diabetes and high cholesterol. A study published in Indonesian Journal Of Internal Medicine suggests that use of this herb can reduce the belly fat, lower blood pressure and improve digestion in men.
Modern Research On Kalongi
A 2013 research article published on reveals numerous health benefits of kalongi. The wonder herb has antibacterial activity, antioxidant property, anti-diabetic property, anticancer activity, pain relieving activity and anti inflammatory activity, immuno-modulatory activity, gastro-protective, hepato-protective and nephro-protective activity. Efficacy of kalongi for weight loss was noted in this study.
How To Use Kalongi For Weight Loss?
Kalongi is used as a spice in many Indian and Arabian dishes. But for medicinal use it is recommended to either take the seeds powder or use Kalongi oil. You can take 3-5 grams of kalongi powder two times a day with water. If you want to use kalongi oil then you can mix about half to one teaspoon of this oil in yogurt or milk. It can also be used a salad dressing.
Side Effects Of Kalongi Oil
The Kalongi oil is quite safe for use in humans. But its overdose can cause some side effects including but not limited to allergic reaction and low blood pressure. Its use during pregnancy should be avoided to prevent any issues.
#2 Guggul: Natural Weight Loss Medicine

Guggul is a common ayurveda herb which has several medicinal properties. It fights bad cholesterol and helps produce good cholesterol. Guggulu suppresses kapha dosha which is responsible for the development of obesity according to ayurveda.
Modern Research : Guggulu as an ayurvedic medicine for weight loss
Some studies have shown that it can stimulate lipolysis (the process of breakdown of the fat cells) in the body. Guggul is also known to stimulate thyroid function and therefore increasing the metabolic rate.
In another pilot study the extract on Guggulu (standardized guggulsterone phosphate) was found to reduce significant amount of fat in overweight people.
How To Use Gugglu Orally For Weight Loss
Guggulu can not be taken orally as it is. It is usually mixed with some other herbs in compound form and then taken in the form of tablets, powder, syrup or capsule. Single herb preparations of Guggul are also available for those who wish to use it in its pure form.
Optimal Dose Of Guggul For Weight Loss
Guggul powder can be taken 2.5-5 grams three times a day after meals. If taking in standardized extract form, its recommended dose is 500mg thrice a day after meals.
Side Effects Of Guggul
Guggul is a safe weight loss ayurvedic medicine. But it can cause some side effects. Usually these side effects appear if overdose is taken but in some cases they can appear even with the recommended dose. The side effects include headache, stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, allergic rashes, itching and hiccups. The side effects typically disappear as soon as the intake is stopped or dosage is reduced.
#3 Aloe Vera: The All Round Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Loss

Who doesn’t know about aloe vera. Almost every second advertisement on TV for products related to health and beauty claims to have aloe vera.
Aloe vera gel is known for its antiseptic, healing properties. But at the same time it also aids in digestion, prevents water retention inside the body, boosts metabolic rate and burns more calories.
It is also an excellent detox for the whole body. Aloe vera gel is easily available in the market but you can also grow this magic plant in your backyard.
If you have access to this plant then taking a fresh slice of its leave and then extracting and taking its fresh pulp is the purest form you can get.
Research: Aloe Vera As An Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Loss Without Side Effects
Effect of aloe vera gel for weight loss has undergone many clinical studies. In one study, done on rats aloe vera gel was found to reduce the body fat, thus helping in diet induced obesity. Aloe vera is proven to increase the metabolic rate by increasing the energy expenditure rate. So the more calories your body burns, the more weight you will loose.
Using Aloe Vera Orally For Fighting Obesity
Aloe Vera is used orally to loose weight. If you have access to aloe vera plant you can cut one of its leaf and then extract the pulp carefully. Swallow this pulp as it is with water or mix it with juice or lukewarm water.
Aloe vera taste is bitter so initially you may feel uncomfortable but with time you will get used to it and it will taste better. Aloe vera gel / juice is also available if you do not have access to the plant. You can drink 20-30 ml of aloe vera gel daily two times a day. For best results mix it with lukewarm water.
Side Effects Of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a very safe herb. Practically there are almost no side effects at all. But overdose of aloe vera may cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps in some cases.
#4 Zeera (Cumin Seeds) : The Natural Weight Loss Ayurvedic Medicine

Cumin seeds (zeera) improves digestion. It increases the BMR (basal metabolic rate). This helps your body to burn more calories and reduce belly fat.
Zeera has thymoquinone, a natural ingredient which fights free radicals and increases cell sensitivity towards insulin. Zeera is also helpful in reducing blood sugar, is an excellent antioxidant and has anti inflammatory properties.
Regular use of zeera is found to accelerate the process of weight loss, reduce more belly fat, reduce blood sugar and reduce swelling and inflammation.
Scientific Studies Suggesting Zeera As An Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Loss Without Side Effects
Small preliminary studies have been done to study the effect of Cumin seeds on weight loss.
In one study, 72 overweight individuals in the age group of 18-50 years were given Cumin cyminum L. and lime combination. There was significant reduction in weight of the individuals with Cumin cyminum L. and lime compared to placebo.
In another small study on 88 overweight and obese women cumin seeds were found to accelerate the weight loss process.
How To Use Cumin Seeds (Zeera) For Best Weight Loss Results?
Cumin seeds are present in your daily diet. But if your aim is to loose weight then you should use it in the following manner :
- Zeera Water / Cumin Water : Soak a teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup of water overnight. Now strain the seeds in the morning and separate the water from the seeds. Drink this water empty stomach in the morning. For better results mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in this water.
- Jawarish Kamuni : Jawarish kamuni is a Unani medicine that is made primarily of cumin seeds. “Kamuni” means “made of cumin”. Many Unani doctors prescribe Jawarish kamuni along with Arq makoh, Arq kasni and Arq Ajwain for weight loss. And the results are promising.
Side Effects Of Cumin Seeds
There are no side effects of cumin seeds. You can use it daily without any problem. But in very rare case you may find some side effects such as heartburn, allergy, belching and heavy menstrual cycle.
#5 Garcinia Cambogia : A Promising Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Loss

Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit native to India and southeast Asia. It is very popular for its weight loss properties. Garcinia is believed to reduce appetite and inhibit body’s ability to make and store fats. It contains a natural chemical called hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which suppresses appetite.
Scientific Studies On Garcinia Cambogia
In a recent 2018 study, long term Garcinia cambogia supplementation was found to reduce weight, reduce fat deposits and increase basal metabolic rate.
There are several other studies on Garcinia cambogia that support the fact that its an effective ayurvedic medicine for weight loss.
How To Use Garcinia Cambogia?
Garcinia cambogia is available in supplement form. Usually capsules and tablets are manufactured. A reputed brand / manufacturer should be chosen to get optimal results. The supplement should contain 50-60% HCA. The herb supplement is taken orally three times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Dosage Of Garcinia Cambogia
500-1000 mg of garcinia supplement extract should be taken preferably 3 times a day before meals.
Garcinia Side Effects
Garcinia cambogia may be associated with liver failure. The condition is rare but one should always make sure to follow manufacturer guidelines regarding dosage and treatment duration. Other side effects of garcinia cambogia include headache, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and dry mouth.
Natural Foods That Reduce Fat and Work Like Weight Loss Medicine
Weight loss is a gradual process. You need to think holistically and bring positive changes to every aspect of your life to get the results. Your regular diet plays an important role deciding the outcome of your weight loss regime.
There are certain foods that are considered good for your health. They reduce cholesterol level, prevent absorption of fats from the gut and make you feel fuller for long.
Adopting these foods in your daily routine can be an added advantage and you would notice more weight loss in a healthy manner. The best food items that can greatly influence your body weight and metabolism are :
#1 Oat Meal : Great Way To Loose Weight Naturally

Oats are scientifically known as Avena sativa. Oatmeal helps in reducing LDL (low density cholesterol or bad cholesterol), increase HDL (high density cholestrol or “good cholesterol) and regulate blood sugar. Oats are rich source of proteins.
Oatmeal is a healthy food that is most often eaten with breakfast. It is a highly satisfying meal that is full of soluble fiber (Beta-glucan) and low on calories. It makes you feel fuller for longer so you don’t munch snacks too often. This will in turn help you loose weight fast.
#2 Lauki : Nature’s Gift For Effective Weight Loss

Laukhi (bottle gourd) is a green vegetable. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Lauki is considered as a light food in Ayurveda. It is easy on the stomach and has cooling effect on the body. Lauki also helps in reducing blood sugar.
Drinking lauki juice regularly may help in improving the metabolism. It is low on calories and rich in fiber which makes it a perfect recipe for weight loss diet.
#3 Poha : A Tasty Recipe For Loosing Weight

Poha is actually “flattened rice”. It looks like small flakes that are very light. Poha needs little to no cooking for eating. It can be eaten simply by soaking in water. Salt and other spices can be added to make it taste better. This is the best recipe if you want to loose weight fast.
If you want to satisfy your taste buds and still be on a healthy weight loss diet then also poha can be a good choice. You can fry it in little oil, add potato, tomato, haldi, pepper, garam masla, peanuts and green dhania to make delicious recipe that can be eaten at any time throughout the day.
Poha is low on calories and high on nutrients. It has 76.9% carbs and 23% fat. It is rich on fibers and therefore gives a full stomach feeling for longer. So, if you are looking for a tasty, spicy yet healthy food for weight loss, Poha could be the right choice.
#4 Daliya : A Great Choice For Fast Weight Loss

Daliys is nothing but cracked wheat. It is a tasty cereal meal rich in iron, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Daliya contains lots of proteins. Proteins typically take more time to digest, thereby making you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Its high fiber content aids in digestion and prevents absorption of fats from the intestines. All of this makes it a super-food that is ideal for people looking to loose weight.
#5 Sprouts : The Secret To High Nutrition Weight Loss Formula

Sprouts are vegetable seeds, beans and pulses that just begin to grow (sprouting). The benefit of eating sprouts is that they contain very high amount of vitamins, minerals and other micro nutrients that are otherwise absent in the regular form.
Sprouts contain high amount of protein and dietary fiber, vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, vitamin C, vitamin A, riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Sprouts are low on calories and fats which makes them an ideal food for weight loss.
To make these sprouts you can soak the seeds or cereal, or beans (whatever you want to sprout) in a cup of water overnight. Remove the water in the morning and take wet cotton cloth.
Put the seeds in this cloth and tie with a thread. Leave this for 2 days. You should moisturize the cloth again when it dries out. After 2 days open the cloth and you will see fresh, small, green outgrowths. Now your sprouts are ready.
You can add some salt and pepper to your taste and eat these sprouts directly. For weight loss we suggest you to swap a meal with sprouts daily. This will help in faster weight loss without any nutritional deficiency..
Lifestyle Changes + Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Loss = Great Results
As stated earlier just starving yourself, or taking ayurvedic medicine for weight loss is not going to help much. You also need to adopt some healthy habits if you want to loose weight. Below we list some of these habits that you cant ignore if you are one a weight loss program.
(1) Sleep properly
Sleep for 8 hours daily. Proper sleep is important for your body, mind and soul. When you sleep your body repairs itself and prepares for the next day. A sleep deprived body will not be ready the next morning. You will feel lethargic, slow and down all the time. Your metabolism slows down and you start putting on weight. So if you want to stay active and burn more calories, never neglect your sleep.
(2) Drink Lots Of Water
Water is the best drink on earth. 60% of our body is water. Each and every activity inside the body is dependent on water. Water is one of the cheapest and easiest way to loose weight. It improves body metabolism, removes toxins and harmful products from the body.
Water is also an appetite suppressant. Being a zero calorie drink you can consume water whenever you like or feel hungry. It will immediately suppress your hunger and being a zero calorie drink, it will help you loose weight in the long run.
(3) Stay Active To Loose Weight
This is obvious. The more you remain active the more you burn calories and vice versa. Being active doesn’t mean just working out. Your body should be up and working physically all day long. If you are on a desk job, stand up and walk a few steps every 30 minutes or so. Use stairs instead of the elevator. Go to your nearby shopping center on foot instead of a car or bike. If its far from your place use a bicycle instead.
These small but important steps will definitely help you feel more active and burn more calories in the process.
(4) Say No Stress
Studies say that when you are stressed you tend to eat more. Also your motivation dies away and you easily give up your life goals. This collectively leads you to give up on your weight loss goals and gain weight in the long run.
Avoid stress as much as you can. The best way to avoid stress is meditation. You can also adopt a hobby or get a pet for yourself in order to stay stress free.
(5) Quit smoking / alcohol
Smoking and alcohol is bad for your health. While smoking is harmful for your cardiovascular health, alcohol is bad for your liver, digestion and kidneys. Smoking over a long period of time also makes it difficult to breathe and decreases stamina. Alcohol on the other hand makes your metabolism slower and causes weight gain.
What To Do For Weight Loss: Which Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Loss is the Best?
Weight loss is not as easy as you might think. It takes a lot of discipline, dedication and motivation to loose the slightest of fat.
Starving is not going to help you in weight loss and there is no magical ayurvedic medicine for weight loss.
You need to think and act holistically. All the points, tips, herbs, medicines and advises given above in this article collectively lead to effective weight loss.
There is no short cut. You need to be ready to adopt new strategies, change your daily routines, adopt healthy habits, take help of ayurvedic medicines for weight loss and above all, be committed towards your weight loss goal. Then only you can expect the results you want.
Good luck!
Dear Sir, I’m regular watch your video on YouTube I’m trying to connect with you but unfortunately it’s error so I’m messaging here, I’m contacting you for healthy lifestyle and detox complete body with lungs liver and stomach. I want to stay healthy and happy with lower weight so need weight loss plans also please tell me how to connect with you
How may I order some of these products you recommend for weight loss? Please inform.
Alice Simon
Balancing Kapha dosha and Vata dosha is very beneficial for weight loss. Your recommended guggulu is also helpful for weight loss.
Dear Dr. Zaidi,
Very Informatic article in simple language.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Beena Mehra.
I have hypothyroidism n I have 57 weight what ever I do I don’t losse weight n I have bloating n gases… What to do???
hi, I have pitta dosh and I am 43 years old woman. My height is 5.6′ weight is74kgs which medicine would be good for me for weight loss, my husband has kafa dosh he is 48 years and weight 150 kg height 6.3′. so please suggest some medicines for weight loss
I have TSH is normal..but I am overweight. I walk every day four kms. Please guide which ayurvedic medicines r good for weight loss
Use Ayutrim
from where can I buy Ayutrim
You can buy online
Nice for giving so much value!!!
Very nice article containing lots of information based on reality. Thank you Doctor for the excellent guidance.
I am 50 years old female undergoing menopause. I need to reduce 20kg weight. Can you help with some Ayurvedic medicines to help me lose weight?
I am a 55 years women. Maximum fat is in my belly. I am a house wife.
How can I reduce my belly fat.
Please advice me.
Hi Jhunu Sen,
Fat accumulation is maximum around the waistline, thighs and buttocks. These are the first places that become fat while being the last to loose this fat. Loosing fat from just one part of the body is not possible. You need to work on the whole body in order to get lean. You can do lots of high intensity workouts for 30 minutes 5 days a week. Reduce your carbs intake and increase proteins in your diet. Drink at least 12-15 glass of water. You could also take help with herbal supplements that help to burn fat faster. Ayutrim is one such product that you can use.
hi, doctor Iam 18 yrs old girl my weight is about 82kg im not able to lose my weight my friends are teasing me a lot because my weight suggest me any ayurvedic medicine so that I can lose my weight in 1 month please its a humble request suggest a good medicine but it should not have any side affect please help me doctor
Hello sir,can I take Ayur trim during pregnancy or during conceive
Hi AAsna,
I would not suggest you to use any weight loss medicine / supplement during pregnancy.
Hi Doctor
I am an unmarried 27 year old girl. i weighs 78 kg. I am suffering from Thyroid and PCOD from last 4 years. I gained 25 kg in 3 years. I have tried almost everything but hardly see effect more than 2-3 kgs in 2 months. I am facing problems in my marriage due to overweight. Please suggest doctor…i need your help.
Hi Saima,
The culprit behind your obesity is PCOD and Thyroid. Unless these two factors are taken care of it is unlikely that you will loose weight. Even if you do, it will come back very soon. So you need to consult a good gynecologist and an endocrinologist for both these issues. If you need to undergo an ayurvedic treatment for this, then we can also help you. Good luck.
Yes Doctor I will go with your ayurvedic treatment for both of these issues and weight loss. please suggest further procedure.
Hello Sir,
I m a 45 years lady having height of 5.5 inch and 75kg.
I m a hypo thyroid patient and taking 75mg of thyroxin per day.
Driving>60km and working in the laptop is more than 8hrs per day .
Now fat deposited more onmy heaps,thigh and belly .
please consult how to make it reduced .
Hi N Mishra,
Weight loss is not as easy as one may think. The first thing you need to do is to change your lifestyle. Since you are also a thyroid patient, chances of you gaining weight are double than any other person having the same lifestyle. Walk briskly at least 5 days a week for 1 hour daily, cut carbs and fat from your diet, give a break every 30 minutes or so while doing your office work, drink lots of water in a day and have a good 8 hours sleep.
I m 24 yrs old girl nd my height is 5″5 my weight is 70 kg I want to loose 15 kg I have high cholesterol problem fatty liver nd deficiency of d fat is around on my belly nd my arms only I walk daily 9 km nd tking only low calorie diet pls suggest me what to do sir………..helpme
I am twenty four years old and my body weight is 75. I am fat and I’m having problems with walking and running. Even in the morning when I wash my face and sit for a toilet I feel tired. I sweat a lot, even in winters. I am a lollipop, my upper body is round and lower body is thin. I feel pain in my lower body often. I’ve tried many ayurveda home remedies solutions but no results. Recently I’ve brought the slim sauna belt and I’m wearing it everytime except at night. Is it okay to do this? And also I feel something piercing me near my heart and in my abdomen. What should I do????
From your symptoms it seems as if you are suffering from Hypothyroidism. So first things first – go get your thyroid profile tested at a reliable lab and let me know the results. Only after that I can guide you further.
dear sir I am working in service sector. due to my tight schedule I could not able to give time for exercise. now my weight is 71 kg. stomuch n belly weight increased. can you suggest me please how can I reduce this belly weight?
I m using lemon n honey with warm water. even I walk almost 3 km evryday.
Hi Bharti,
If you are using honey lemon with water and walk 3 kilometers a day and still having excess fat then my first advice is to go to a nearby laboratory and get your Thyroid Profile and HbA1C tests done. There could be a metabolic issue that is causing excessive fat to deposit in your body tissues. If the tests come positive then you need to get treatment for that. if there is no problem then you could use the Ayutrim powder for weight loss.
I am a healthy female, 48 years old with major fat deposits on my thighs & hips. No other major health issue except severe allergic rhinitis. I currently weigh 66.5kg & my height is 5ft 3 inches. Can your treatment help?
Hi Juhee,
Fat deposition at thighs, hips and belly is very common in women. These are the favorite areas where the fat cells love to deposit very easily. And the truth is that it is the hardest to get rid of fat from these areas. But don’t worry, we have developed Ayutrim for people like you so that you can get rid of that excess fat with the help of minimal exercise and no dieting.
I am running 76 years of age.Of late,I have suddenly started putting up too much belly fat,which has increased my weight by almost 7 kgs. and waist
widening by almost 5 inches making all my dresses almost unusable.I am a patient of COPD and also both cervical and lumbar spondylosis which restricts my movements and physical exercises,though I am on regular routine medication to control any aggravation.I am concerned with my sudden weight gain,which seems to be due to inability to undertake physical exercises.Please suggest some effective Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss,without having any side effects,to affect my conditions of COPD and Spondylosis.Presently,I am in manageably satisfactory health condition ,except for the sudden fat generation around the belly,which is upsetting me a lot.
Hi Mr Goswami,
Sudden gain in weight could be an alarming sign. Get your Thyroid and HbA1C tests done. Let me know once the tests are out.
I am 55yrs old ht 5 2 since 2 yrs I have been putting on wt.i was 62 and now 69 I have done n no of diet plans with result zero. I was on medication for depression am still taking. Now taloprax 10 mg I am a banker but was doing gym and yoga but not now since 3 month due to ankle fracture. Fat is more on hips and abdomen pl advise
Hi Neelu Ji,
I can understand your frustration. But believe me diet plans will do nothing good for you if you rely solely on them. I have seen people doing dieting for years and still getting no results and in some cases getting rebound obesity. The key to a healthy life is to enjoy everything in moderation. Do not go overboard. Do physical exercises and get help from natural herbs that have been known to increase metabolism to burn those extra calories.
Sir I am 37 year old and I am suffering from hyper thyroid and taking 150mg thyroid tablet my weight is 72kg and height is 5 inch can I use ayutrim
Hi Sarika,
You must be having Hypo-Thyroidism and not Hyperthyroidism. You can use Ayutrim with Thyroid tablets. Thyroid tablet is taken empty stomach in the morning and Ayutrim is taken at bed time with a glass of warm water.
After lossing the desired weight, are there any chances of weightgain if i stop useing ayutrim???im 29yr n weigh 66kg..i want to loss around 10kg…should i continue to use ayutrim after i loss 10kg so that i dont gain weight again…???
Hi Fathima,
There is always a chance to gain weight if your lifestyle is not correct. Once you loose your desired weight you can stop taking ayutrim but make sure that you keep focused on your diet and exercise to maintain that weight. There is no magic.
Hello sir..
I have lots of things to say about me.
I am 25 years old but due to fat I look like 35 years.
My weight is fluctuating between 90 kg to 96 kg since 6years. Inspite of gym and diet plan but irregular. It’s difficult for me to control my appetite.
My height is 170cm. I am having DM type 2 from 10 months.
But undercontrol by Glimepiride 1mg and Metformin 500 mg.
But the main Villain is something else.
Due to bad associations in childhood I started masturbating when I was only 13 years old. For around 2-3 years the frequency was nearly once a day.
Later on I came to know that its bad for health, So I reduced the frequency nd slowly stopped it but it was too late. My genitals did not develop properly.
After erection its only around 2.5 to 3 inches long.
I am suffering from severe Premature ejaculation. As I can stand only 10 to 15 seconds on bed while Intercourse. So my girlfriend left me 3 months ago.
PME is so severe that even if I am seating on chair or bed sometimes it ejaculates without reason. Don’t ask about nightfalls.
But no HTN Thyroid reports normal. Oestrogen level increased so got insulin resistance thats why DM type 2 But no family history of any of these at all.
In coming 6 months I am getting married.
But I am so afraid because I won’t be able to Satisfy her. And many other problems as well.
So I request you to please help me.
I am very depressed.
I want to get rid of
Very Short Penis Size
Severe Premature ejaculation.
So please prepare a treatment plan for me if you think its possible.
Currently I am going to take karshan basti treatment from 17th to 25th August.
After the treatment is over I am ready to follow your instructions and medications strictly.
I am going to follow a proper diet plan and recently I have joined Swimming classes.
I have only six months left for marriage.
So Sir please help me…
My mother is 61 years old.she is having thyroid problem and taking pills from 15 years.she is diabetic and have bp and is under medication.height is 5 feet and weighs 93 KGS.kindly suggest weight loss treatment.
Hi Deena,
As your mother is having several other health issues like HTN and Diabetes I would suggest her not to stop these medications. Since she is obese there is need for strict dietary restriction. She should consult a good dietician for this. As far as weight loss is concerned she can also use our Ayuitrim slimming supplement along with proper diet and medication for other issues to loose weight without any weakness / related issues. Hope this helps.
Hello Doctor,
I am 28 years old and now my weight is 75 kg for which i feel uncomfortable to sit in my office and running in morning time. every day i sit at least 6 – 7 hrs one place. So I want to reduce my weight at least 7-8 kg. Kindly suggest me.
Hi Nabin,
AS you might be aware that to loose weight proper diet is essential. So first you should maintain proper diet. Never fast / skip meal. Never. Along with this you may use Ayutrim weight loss supplement to expedite the weight loss process. This will help you for sure.
Dear Doctor Saleem, Your answers to the questions asked by different persons are very exciting, and I would also want to use.
But like all weight loss medicines, I doubt your also may be a failure. Kindly give me assurance .
Hi Mr Ramesh,
Firstly thanks for your appraisal. I try my best to help people get out of their problems.
Now coming to your query – I can understand your concern regarding effectiveness of the product. But let me tell you this – There is no miracle medicine in this world that can reduce your weight without you being in proper state of mind, without your dedication, without proper diet and without physical exercise (at least for a few minutes a day). Supplements just help you achieve your goals faster and aid to your efforts. So the most important thing when it comes to weight loss is your dedication.
If you want to loose weight without lifting a finger, I am sorry to tell you that nothing is going to work for you. Any supplement will work for you if you follow the correct process.
HEllo Sir,
I am 27 years old. My upper body is more overweight than my lower body. My current weight is 74kgs. I want to know if I start taking this medicine , will this reduce my overall body extra fat, or it works only one lower body extra fat ? Sir, Kindly reply soon.
Hi Deepa,
Generally speaking weight loss supplements will reduce your weight (excess fat) from all over the body and not just one or two parts. Its a general process. But at the same time there are parts where fats are stored in much more quantity like the abdomen, hips, thighs, bust etc. So these are places where you will see maximum amount of fat reduction.
I am pcod patient is it safe to take ayutrim lowder for weight loss.
Yes it is safe for PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease) patients.
Hi sir, i am 22 year old and i got married 5 mnth ago and i was expecting for baby but docter said if u loose ur weight u will get pregnant. My weight 64 and height 5.1
Should i use this product or what??
Sure you can use this product. But remember to follow a good healthy diet low in carbs and fats.
I am 32 years old my weight 77kg please suggest me how I can lose my weight My body is so heat I m using Black Cumin, Ajwain and methi powder every night but there is no result. Please help me Doctor. I am very frustrated with my weight.
i am 26 yrs and 163cm height,but my weight is 70.i have some bumps on my back and my thighs,arms,boobs are big but buttock is flat. So I am so sad about my body structure. I have no confidence and feel ugly to appear in public. Overall my body is soft and spongy type.
I have PCOD .i heard about ayutrim today. Is it effective for me? i am using a homeo medicine for pcod. So is there any problem or side effect by taking this ayurvedic medicine while taking a homeo medicine?
Sir please give me your valuable advice.
Thank you.
Hi Lakshmi,
Keep using your homeo medicine for PCOD. You can use Ayutrim along with this to loose some weight.
Hello Doctor!
I too want to loose my weight post pregnancy.. My baby is 2 yrs old and i have tried many things such as yoga, drinks, have not done complete dieting but yes have reduced some diet, but could not get the result.
I would like to mention about certain problems, such as thyroid (hyper), stones in gall bladder, fibroid in lower abdomen & cervical as well.
Kindly advice me shall I take your medicine?
Lacting mother can use this product?
I am 30 years old, 5.5″height and 77kgs weight, i want to reduce overall 15-20kgs of weight including the fatty area like tummy, hips, thighs, bops and upper arms. I can’t do exercise. Can you please suggest any remedy which looses weight and also helps in increasing body strength as well helps in increasing head hair volume.
Please suggest a good ways without any side effects, as i need to plan for a baby next year so don’t want to harm my body.
you can use trifala it’s very effective , take 5 gram trifhala in the night before bed and early in the morning with lukewarm water, do not drink tea or coffee, eat clean diet (without fat ) take salad in your dinner with chapati , increase fiber in your food by using daliya or fruits , you will lose 10 kg in month
Hello Dr. I’m 30 year old my height is 5 ft 5inch. And weight is 69kgs. In old days I’d been going to gym and left 2years back. Now my tummy, thighs are so fatty… i want lose it now by using Ayutrim. Is there any side effects and any chance of regaining of fat after loosing the weight…?
Hi Sangamesh A,
Ayutrim is a 100% natural product based on herbs only. So chances of any side effects are non existent. It will definitely help you loose weight and stay slim for years.
Hi sir.
Am keerthi my height is 5.0 and my weight is 54 . After consulting a doctor she said I hav pcos . Can u pls suggest me the good medicine to reduce my belly fat . And I hav done en number of dieting bt no use in reducing my weight . Doctor has also said me tht if I reduce my weight a little thn my menstruation problem ll be good for every month … plsss suggest me
Hi sir,
I am 33 years old and have 2 kids. my height is 5.4″ and weight is 75 kgs. After 2nd delivery my weight didn’t come down at all. I have both normal deliveries. I have hypothyroid and taking 75 mg tablet everyday. Please suggest how to reduce. presently, I am not feeding my baby. she already turned 1 year old.
I am using the Ayurtrim supplement since the last 2 weeks. I can feel slight reduction in my weight. Please advice if additional medicine is required for quicker results..
Hi Amit,
You need no other medicine. Just be consistent with your medicine (ayutrim), eat right, do a little bit of exercise and you are all set to realize your goals are not that far away.
Hello sir,
I am 28yrs old and my weight is 58kgs
I tried using all home remedies like curry leaves cucumber alovera mint leaves lemon haney warm water apple cyder vinegar ginger ajwan but no results…
Heavy fat is accumulated on my tummy n belly ..which is making me frustrated
And after having all these home remedies I got kidney stones and other skin related problems because of excess heat…plz suggest me geneiun remedy to solve my problem .
And also am heat body …so don’t suggest any ingredients which contains heat
Hi Alia,
What is your height? 58 kgs for a 28 years old lady is not too much provided your height is below average.
hello sir,
i soumitra ghosh, age 43 yrs weight is 85 kg+. i am unmarried. how should i reduce my body fat,and sleeping heavy noise. i am so worried with my present problem. please suggest me ,what should i do. with thanks
soumitra ghosh
bhagalpur, bihar
Hello Dr,
I am 33 years old. My height is 5.5″. I recently detected diabetes. Actually I reduced 10 kg from past 1 year by walking exercise. But now it stuck to 80 kg from last 2-3 months. My target is in between 68-65 kg. I wanted to lose my tummy very fast. Which is best supplement for me without any side affects.
I have been suffering from weight gain issue fro last ten years of my life and it seems I have stopped enjoying my life due to this ongoing problem to which I have tried to look into by way of exercising crash dieting calorie controlled diet to protein diet to lipo suction to anything and every thing related to on market for weight loss but every effort has gone in vain.., yes my stress level has always been high and I am generally very hyper and restless and have short temperament. One minutes I will feel hungry enough eat a horse and on the other minute I can stay starved all day. Plz if u have any genuine product to help me loose then help me and guide me but I am not able to do Misbah exercise due to chronic fatigue I developed after dengue fever in 2011. And had two operations umbelican hernia and colon slipped from its place but now everything has been safely done but my weight is still a big problem of my life. I am 5 foot 5″ and I weight 212 pounds and I did I loose 25 pounds in weight but it all came back straight away. It seems something does not let the fat melt inside my body no matter what if I,
I am 29yr height is 169cm and my weight is 85kg.I have a PCOD.please suggest which medicine I should use for weight loss.I am going to get married in next 6 months.I am on crash dieting still no results.please help me.
Hi Nishtha,
Did you try our Ayutrim? Its a wonderful product to loose weight safely.
Hi ii sir , I am 32 years old and my weight is 82 kg. And I want loss my weight please suggest me can I get the ayurvedic medicine .
Try Ayutrim.
my hight is 5’11 and my weight is 89kg. according to medical standard what is normal weight for me and I have excessive fat on my chest plz suggest me any medicine to reduce my chest fat.
Your weight should be in the range of 76-82 kgs. You could use our Ayutrim slimming powder to lose extra fat from the chest region.
My age is 19 and i m having very heavy thighs and butts my height is 5’11″and my weight is 94 i want to reduce my thigh fat what should i do
Hi Aman,
Apart from doing regular exercise, and maintaining a good diet you should also take a good herbal supplement that helps you burn more fat. Remember you are too young to have 94 kg body weight. If this is the cases, and you do nothing about it, you are prone to get several other health problems very early in life.
Hi Sir,
Could you please let me know a best medicine for weight loss. Iam only 26yrs old and my weight is around 85 KGS. Request you to kindly suggest some good ayurvedic medicine if required.
Hi ii sir , I am 32 years old woman, and my weight is 82 kg. And I want loss my weight please suggest me can I get the ayurvedic medicine .
Hi sir,
I am 36 years old man, i saw your blogs and i am interested to try your ayurvedic medicine for weight loss. Actually i am 5.3 ft height and weight is around 87kg. Most important think i am staying in abroad please suggest me that how can i get the medicine…..?
Waiting for your reply.
I am 37 yrs old, my weight is 54.8kg and my height is 5.4″.I want burn my thigh and my stomach fat as much as possible .please advice and suggest some medication or treatment for this.
Hello sir, my mother is 61 year old her appetite is not more but her weight is running 85 kg her highest is 5’3″, actually I want to loose her weight, right now is she medically fit there is no any physical problem what should we do .
Hi Amin,
First try to figure out if she has any organic disease like hypothyroidism, PCOD or Myxedema etc. Get her blood tests done after consulting your doctor. If some issues are found they need to be rectified first. If everything is fine, use our ayurvedic package for weight loss. It will surely help.
I am 49 yrs. old, teetotaller and very restrictive in my diet(Vegan) and still my weight is 106 kgs and it is not coming down. My B.P Sugar levels are absolutely normal. Nowadays i feel the weight while climbing the steps. I want to put down the weight before it is too late. Your advice on this.
Please follow the steps suggested to Amin Dayala.
Sir I am 23yrs female my height is 5.1 and my weight is 70kgs I want to reduce weight which medicine can I use and which don’t have any side effects
Hi Fathima,
You should go for our Ayurvedic package for losing weight. It is 100% safe and gives real quick results.
My mother is suffering knee pain due to obesity as doctor said. He is continuing slimming pil of Vital Care herbal company since 6 months but their is no effective result yet. please advice me??
Sir, I am underweight, and my penis is soft, no good blood circulation, i early get discharge also i felt urinary frequently, which product we should use
is Mucuna Pruriens Powder work
Yes you can use Mucuna. It will help you.