How To Increase Sperm Count Naturally At Home?

how to improve sperm count

Do you know how to increase sperm count naturally at home?

Is conceiving the biggest nightmare for you due to a lack of sperm count?

Generous semen volume, normal sperm count and sperm motility ensures better chances of pregnancy.

It is not only a matter of conceiving, but healthy sperm count is also the determinant of the men’s overall health.

Parenting is an awesome experience. But some people are still deprived of this best feeling.

Let’s then give you an idea of how better sperm production can boost male fertility.

All the readers out there who are reading this are in the lookout for the best way to increase sperm count. Isn’t this true?

However, you must first know about what normal sperm count is in general.

To give you a comprehensive idea, we have included every possible information related to male fertility tips, medicine to increase sperm count, and increase sperm motility.

If you need detailed information on how to increase sperm motility and improve sperm count, then this blog has got you covered!

Lend us your ears, and thanks us, later, for providing you the most sorted knowledge regarding the top methods to increase sperm count naturally!

Now let’s get started!

How to Check Sperm Count?

The average number of sperm found and present in an individual semen sample is what we all call “Sperm Count”.

You would be surprised to know that doctors from fertility departments assess sperm count during routine semen analysis because it’s the most important factor in male infertility.

How Sperm Count Is Calculated?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and reports, the healthy sperm densities range from 15 million per millilitre to greater than 200 million sperm per millilitre of semen.

Any individual having fewer than 15 million per ml is considered a low sperm count and may cause fertility problems in the future.

If an individual has a low sperm count, then you must know that it’s a sign that you need to consider upon male infertility.

It becomes important because nowadays, many men in society struggle with low sperm counts, which makes them ashamed and embarrassed.

But what if we tell you that you can become a parent even after a low sperm count?

Wondering how it is possible?

Yes! You heard it right! All you just need to do is make some lifestyle choices and changes in your daily routine.

By following the natural medicine to increase sperm count and motility and adopting the best lifestyle choices to improve male fertility, you can support your hormones that are responsible to increase sperm production.

Prevalence Of Male Infertility

Estimates vary but as many as 12-18 million couples experience infertility issues every year in India. While the focus of the medical fraternity is on female infertility, male factor makes for over 51.2% of infertility cases.

The male infertility can be due to low sperm counts, nil sperm counts, abnormality in the morphology (structure) of the sperms or defects in the motility.

Normal Sperm Parameters

The World Health organization has defined the basic parameters that represent a normal sperm count, morphology and motility.

Normal Sperm Count

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According to WHO sperm concentration over 15 million per cubic milliliter of semen is considered normal.

If the sperms are lesser than 15 million/ml it is defined as oligozoospermia.

In some cases, there may be no sperms in the semen at all. This condition is considered severe and it is defined as azoospermia.

Sperm Motility and Its Link With Sperm Count and Male Fertility

how to eat garlic to increase sperm count

The semen should have at least 50% sperms with good motility to be considered as normal.

Sperm motility is the ability of sperms to move freely in the forward direction.

This is vitally important because if the motility is impaired the sperms will not be able to move forward in the vagina to reach the ovum (which lies at the lower end of the fallopian tube).

Now there is direct link between sperm motility and sperm count.

As we know that the WHO defined normal sperm count/ml of semen is 15 million.

And at least 50% of this should have good motility to be considered normal.

That means near about 7.5 million sperms per ml should be motile.

Now in most cases, the sperm count is way more than the minimum acceptable range of 15 million/ml.

So if someone has 25 million sperms per ml of semen and the motility is down to 30 per cent (instead of the normal 50%) then also 7.5 million healthy motile sperms are there.

Which is required as per WHO guidelines.

Conversely, if the sperm count is low, say 10 million/ml but the percentage of motile sperms is high, say 75%, then also the healthy motile sperms are 7.5 million which is quite enough for male fertility.

So both sperm motility, as well as quantity, are important factors that determine fertility in men.

Thankfully there are some medicines to increase sperm count and motility that you can use in case you are diagnosed with either or both these problems.

Sperm Morphology (Appearance)

Indian food to increase sperm count

Normal morphology of sperm decides the success rate of fertilization with ovum.

WHO defines that at least 4% of the total sperms should have normal morphology.

Defects in sperm morphology indicate that there are lesser chances of the sperms to fertilize the ovum.

Causes Of Low Sperm Count In Men?

If you are wondering what causes low sperm count, then you are not the only one!

There are plenty of people who are hit hard by the same questions but still unable to figure out the reason behind low sperm count.

If you ask the medical experts, the prime reason for a low sperm count is the lifestyle choices.

By lifestyle choices, we mean to include things like drinking alcohol, taking some drugs, smoking and excessive caffeine intake. All these factors can cause low sperm motility, and reduction in male sperm production.

Other causes of low sperm count include sickness from a long time like kidney failure, chromosome, or hormone problems like low testosterone and more. Certain childhood infections like mumps can also cause spermatozoa count to diminish.

Men working at high-temperature workplaces such as welders, blast furnace workers, dyers, men working in cement factories and steel factories and other such places are also prone to have abnormal sperm structure, reduced sperm motility and reduced semen volume.

To summarise, here is a list of top 10 factors that may cause oligospermia is men:

  1. Hormone anomaly, including hypogonadism
  2. Born with un-descended testicles
  3. Impaired sperm tubes due to trauma or illness
  4. Running in the family
  5. Genital issues
  6. Testicle surgery
  7. Over-intake of alcohol
  8. Excessive smoking
  9. Substance abuse
  10. Exposure to certain medications
  11. Prolonged illness
  12. Diabetes
  13. Trauma to the testicles
  14. Blocked vas deference.

How to Improve Sperm Motility, Increase Sperm and Semen Volume

Have you ever thought about getting regular exercise, enough sleep, give up the alcohol intake idea and eat more antioxidant food?

If not, then you are missing something serious in your life.

All these tasks not only increase sperm motility and increase male fertility but they also act as a catalyst for your overall mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Below mentioned are the best natural ways to increase sperm count. We suggest you bookmark all the tips.

Exercise Regularly To Increase Sperm Count Fast

how to increase sperm count by exercise

You must hit the exercise floor daily if you’re looking for the best natural ways to raise sperm count.

Along with building muscle and abs, it’s not a bad idea to enhance the testosterone level.

According to BBC, if you indulge in at least half an hour of exercise thrice a week, chances are high that you can increase sperm fertility in a safe and effective manner.

So make sure to check exercise in your daily routine from today!

Quit Smoking To Improve Sperm Motility and Count

increase sperm count food

Isn’t this something which is repeatedly told to you but you don’t pay attention to it?

Well, it’s high time you should think about quitting smoking because it causes a reduction in normal sperm count and motility.

Smoking is linked to an increased oxidative stress and reduced blood supply throughout the body. This caused depletion of sperms in the body and oligozoospermia in some cases.

According to WebMD, smoke due to tobacco as its main ingredient causes low sperm count and, thus, a heaven damaging effect on the DNA of the sperm.

To avoid sperm abnormalities, avoid both active and passive smoking.

If you don’t believe us, trust the facts and researchers where it is found that people who smoke and intake a heavy amount of tobacco are prone more towards infertility problems, fewer sperm counts in comparison to those who don’t smoke.

Relax Your Mind & Soul To Increase Male Fertility

medicine to increase sperm count

Do you know that taking stress affects sperm quality and male fertility?

Plus, if a person is in a stressful situation in his daily life, then it might affect their sexual life also, which results in less satisfying sex life.

When an individual takes stress, the stress hormones – cortisol inside the body gets released, which inhibits testosterone levels, and thus, sperm count gets decreased.

So, you must take the time to unwind in the way you like the most and indulge in relaxing activities you like.

Eat Antioxidant-Rich Food for Healthy Sperm

increase sperm count food

Inside the body, the swimming sperm is particularly well boasted with a healthy intake of vitamins, minerals, and they all act as anti-oxidants.

This is revealed in a study of 2019 reviews, where it is found that sperm increase food which is rich in antioxidants, may contribute to healthy spermatogenesis and an increase in male fertility.

You can take fresh seasonal fruits to increase sperm count and motility.

If want to be on a special diet with food to increase sperm motility fast, don’t forget to include walnuts, bananas, and almonds to your diet.

In order to shield your DNA from being damaged, the intake of strawberries and oranges is also a wonderful idea.

Don’t forget to eat Spanish, butter as they contain Vitamin E, which helps to promote the rate of fertilization and boost sperm quality.

You can also include supplements that contain vitamins to increase sperm count.

Supplements of Lycopene, Zinc, Vit B12, Vit E and L Arginine are specially useful to increase fertility in men.

Reduce Frequency of Sex (Ayurvedic View)

boost sperm count

Ayurveda considers “semen” or dhatu as the reservoir for health and vitality.

It suggests its retention inside the body because semen is the basis of life.

Doing sex daily or several times a day can deplete the body of semen leading to poor health.

Avoid Heat Exposure

home remedies to increase sperm count
Tired construction worker wiping forehead at site

It is a known fact that the scrotal temperature should be 4 degrees less than the body temperature for proper spermatogenesis (production of sperms).

If you are exposed to excessive heat regularly for several hours a day then this can have a serious impact on your ability to produce sperms.

Avoid Riding Motorcycle For a Long Time

improve male fertility

Riding motorcycle for long hours imparts great pressure on the lower pelvic area around the scrotum.

This reduces the blood supply to the testicles.

Also riding in extreme heat can raise the scrotal temperature causing a reduction in sperm production.

Bath In Cold Water

tips for sperm health

Bathing in hot water is not recommended if you have low sperms.

As already discussed the scrotal temperature should be 4 degrees lower than the normal body temperature for optimal sperm production.

A hot bath can increase the scrotal temperature and hamper with normal spermatogenesis.

Use Nuts and Dry Fruits

increase sperm count food

Nuts and dry fruits are a rich source of protein, iron, calcium, zinc and other trace elements.

They help in improving the overall reproductive health and fertility.

Cashew and Chilgoza are two specific dry fruits which are very good for increasing sperm count.

Eat Bananas

foods to increase male fertility

Banana contains an enzyme called bromelain.

This enzyme is responsible for increasing libido and sex hormones.

Banana is a rich source of Vitamin B, A, C and Zinc.

All of these collectively make banana one of the best food to increase sperm motility and increase male fertility.

Eat Pomegranate

foods to increase male fertility

Pomegranate is one of the healthiest fruits available in the world. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, Iron, Vitamin C, Folate and zinc.

Pomegranate has great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. They help in erectile dysfunction as well as hasten the process of spermatogenesis.

Loose Weight

weight loss can improve sperm count

Do you know how to increase male fertility naturally without any specific treatment? Yes, you are right. You can lose weight to improve your fertility.

Research has shown that obesity is directly linked with your chances of having an abnormal semen profile.

Various sperm defects (both in number, quantity and quality) have been detected in obese and overweight men.

So if you don’t want to mess up with your fertility, try and keep fit by losing those extra kilos from your body.

Avoid Tight Undergarment

ways to increase sperm count naturally

Tight undergarments, specially briefs can lead to increase in scrotal temperature.

Nature has given a spring mechanism (via cremaster muscle) to our testicles in order to maintain their optimal temperature suitable for spermatogenesis.

When there is too much heat, the cremaster muscle relaxes to descend the testis away from the body to cool down the extra temperature, while in cold they contract to pull up the testicles towards the body.

Wearing tight underwear may hamper this functionality and no matter what, the testicles are kept in tight proximity to the body.

This sometimes has a negative effect on your sperm production.

Ayurvedic Medicine to Increase Sperm Count and Motility

There are many natural ayurvedic medicines to increase sperm count.

These herbal medicines have almost no side effects and are easily available.

You should use these medicines under the supervision of a qualified Ayurveda Doctor.

Given below is a list of 5 best medicine for increase sperm count and motility.

Ashwagandha: Natural Sperm Increase Medicine


Ashwagandha is a natural herb known to enhance sexual life since the times of Kama Sutra.

It’s a plant whose sheer mention can be found in the ancient texts about sexuality.

This medicinal herb is a scientifically proven medicinal herb that boosts testosterone levels.

In a global study, the intake of Ashwagandha increases sperm count in men.

If you want to naturally increase your sperm count, then take Ashwagandha as a 90 days course.

After that, the result you will feel will give you the increased sperm count with the estimated whopping speed of 165 per cent!

Dosage Of Ashwagandha For Increasing Sperm Count

You should take 10 grams of ashwagandha powder or two tablets of containing 500mg of ashwagandha extract two times a day after meals.

For best results keep a gap of one hour before food and taking ashwagandha. You can take it with water as well as milk as per your choice. Milk will give you slightly better results though.

Kaunch Beej: Medicine for Low Sperm Count

kaunch beej for increasing sperm count

Kaunch beej, also known as Mucuna Pruriens is highly respected ayurvedic medicine to increase sperm count.

It contains L Dopa, a nerve tonic. Mucuna pruriens is known to improve semen parameters in infertile males.

Regular use of this herb can help you in case you are suffering from low sperm counts.

Mucuna is scientifcally proven to increase male fertility.

In one study 60 males were chosen to study the effect of mucuna pruriens on semen parameters.

The researchers found that the semen parameters of the patients improved significantly with the administration of mucuna pruriens.

In another research Mucuna Pruriens was found to recover spermatogenic loss by combating ROS, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and apoptosis.

Dosage Of Mucuna Pruriens For Optimal Increase In Sperm Count

Raw powder of Mucuna pruriens can be taken 5-10 grams two times a day with water. If you are using kaunch beej extract then 500-1000mg of its extract should be used twice a day. Try not not go overboard with dosage as this can have potential side effects.

(3) Shilajeet: Natural Sperm Medicine

shilajeet for male infertility

Shilajeet is herbomineral compound which is used for rejuvenation and acts as an aphrodisiac sex power medicine.

It is excellent ayurvedic medicine for sperm growth.

It increases testosterone production, gives strength to the nerves, promotes urogenital health, strengthens kidneys and maintains youth.

Shilajeet is an effective ayurvedic medicine for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low libido.

Shilajeet is also a very effective medication to increase sperm count.

Ayurvedic practitioners have been prescribing Shilajeet preparations from a very long time to patients suffering from Oligospermia.

The fact that Shilajeet is a great ayurvedic medicine to increase sperm count is now also backed by several scientific studies.

In one study published on PubMed shilajit was found to increase total semen volume by 37.6%, increase total sperm count by 61.4%, sperm motility by 12.4 to 17.4% ) and morphology by 18.9%.

Dosage of Shilajeet

Shilajeet is used after undergoing a process of purification. The final product for oral consumption is called “Purified Shilajeet” or “Shudh Shilajeet”.

Shilajeet is available in many different forms.

It is available as liquid, powder, pure, extract, capsule and tablet form.

The dosage of standardized shilajit extract for adult use is 150 mg twice a day.

If you are taking shilajeet in liquid or powder form you should read the product manual carefully to make sure that you use the correct dose.

(4) Safed Musli

safed musli ayurvedic medicine to increase sperm count

Safed musli is another aphrodisiac herb that is helpful in the treatment of male sexual dysfunctions. It is one of the best way to increase sperm count naturally.

The aphrodisiac efficacy of safed musli is so powerful that it is also known as “herbal viagra”.

It strengthens erection, delays the ejaculation and increases desire to have sex.

Its effect on spermatogenesis is also well established. Safed musli is documented to improve both the quality and quantity of semen in adult males in the age group of 20-40 years.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was performed 20-40 years old volunteers where they were given 500 mg of dried tuber extract of safed musli (chlorophytum borivillanum).

The extract was given twice daily in capsule form for 12 weeks. The final results showed significant improvement in the overall quality and quantity of semen. The serum testosterone level was also found to increase greatly.

Dose Of Safed Musli To Increase Sperm Count

Safed Musli is available in powder form and capsule form. Capsules are generally in extract form while power is generally raw herb.

If you are taking it in supplement form (capsule or tablet) then take 500 mg – 1 gm of its extract twice daily after meals.

Powder should be taken 1 teaspoon (approx 5 grams) two times a day with water.

For best results it is recommended to continue taking safed musli for at least 3 months.

(5) Shatavari

shatavari ayurvedic herb

Shatavari, also known as Asparagus racemosus is a common ayurvedic medicine to increase perm count that is found throughout India and the Himalayan range.

It is commonly used to improve fertility in men and women.

Many tablets to increase sperm count and motility contain Shatavari as their main ingredient.

Shatavari also reduces stress and acts as an aphrodisiac.

Its antioxidant property is well researched. It prevents oxidative stress by neutralizing the free radicals inside the body.

Shatavari can prevent the depletion of sperms by decreasing the heat-generating effect of Pitta.

Shatavari has a cooling effect on the body. It can increase sperm motility naturally.

It is a very good tonic for general health and vitality. It increases vigour and virility, cures urogenital infections, burning micturition (urination) and nourishes the reproductive system for optimal functionality.

Dose Of Shatavari

Shatavari powder can be taken one teaspoon two times a day preferably after meals. It is also available as easy to use supplement form. Extract of shatavari can be taken 500 mg two times a day for optimal results.

How to Improve Sperm Count and Motility? Final Thoughts…

cemen plus

Increasing male fertility is not easy. It takes a lot of patience and discipline to increase sperm count and motility.

As suggested earlier, it is very important to stick to healthy lifestyle and drop habits that otherwise affect normal sperm production.

Doing regular exercise, eating healthy food and including yoga and meditation to your daily routine should be your first priority.

For low sperm count natural treatment you can use herbs that are mentioned in this article above. However, it is often seen that taking raw herbs is not the easiest way and most people drop out of the treatment due to compliance issues.

Procuring authentic herbs, carrying them in powder form, eating them several times a day and unpleasant taste mostly make things worse and the person quits even before he gets the desired results.

That is why we at Ayurvedic Expert have come up with an easy to use and 100% natural treatment for increasing sperm count and motility.

You can get this treatment from our online store. The product is completely natural and safe. And the results are very promising.

44 thoughts on “How To Increase Sperm Count Naturally At Home?”

  1. Dear sir,
    I suffering for oligospermia, sprum count 5 mill below,have any treament and cure from that what medicine help me for curing pls advice me for right treatment.

  2. aslam o alykum sir mera problam hai mere pehly 2 kids hai or ab main or kids chahta ho but nahi hota hai sprem miqdaar ziyda hai but paani ki tarah hai ap mujhy idia de kiya karo??

  3. Dear Sir
    I found your website online. I am looking for pure salab misri powder to increased my sperm count – currently it is NIL. Also suggest few other medicines in addition to salab misri

  4. Sir,am 32 years old I married.I don’t have child’ sperm count is nill..I used Ayurvedic treatment for 6 months but no use..still my sperm count is nill..I have Ice-cream Parler its full heat…what treatment I have to take

    1. Dear sir,

      Azoospermia (nil sperms) is a difficult situation. Fortunately we have some ayurvedic treatments that can help you increase the counts. Please mail your detailed report on

      We will assess your condition and suggest treatment accordingly.

  5. Sunil Kumar Pandey

    I’m Sunil I haven’t checked out my sperm count but I hv felt that I’m lossing stamina for sex. Even no excitement in my organ and it hardly erect and ready for sex I’m just my wife does not satisfing during sex so u r requested to guide my and help me to solve my problems

    1. Dr. Saleem Zaidi

      Hi Sunil,

      At just 42 years of age it is very unlikely that someone gets no excitement for sex. You need to take immediate action to counter this problem and avoid getting further complications in sex. I would suggest you to give our Xtra Power capsules a chance. This is a wonderful medicine for anyone having sexual weakness, low libido and erection problems. I assure you that your problems will be cured for ever with this treatment.

    1. Hi Sunil,

      You mean to say less than 10 million per cc? If so then its definitely a grave concern for your fertility. To be fertile you need at least 15 million sperms per cubic ml of semen. Below this, it is a difficult task. You should increase vitamin B12 intake in food. You can also take some zinc supplements. Eat lots of dates daily as dates improve sperms production. You can also have lots of onion in your food, specially as salad. Onions also help in spermatogenesis.

      Apart from this if you need a treatment for it, we have that too in our store.

      1. Syed Ali Raghib Zaidi

        Dear sir I am 40 years old have been married since 7.5 years still my wife not conceived.tests show low sperm count mostly 10-20 more over premature ejaculation and erection issue is also there.i have tried many medication but all in vain.kindly suggest me with your opinion.thanks

  6. Hello Sir,
    Recently is did my semen test and got result.
    Sperm Count/ml: 6 x 10^6 / ml, Sperm Count/ Ejaculate: 12 X 10^6 /.
    And sperm morality: 85% Immotile. Please advice what should i do.

  7. Sir I have done my sperm count test on date 17-05-2016.the details are sperm count 130millions motility,active 40%,sluggish 30% Non motile it enough for firlity {im45yrs old}I have try many allopathic medicines.but no positive result showing kindly suggest me.thnx

    1. Hi Ankit,

      Your test reports show that your problem can be resolved and you can have a healthy sperm profile. Did you check out our ayurvedic treatment for low sperm counts. If you didn’t yet then please give it a try. Its one of the best out there to help you increase the sperm counts.

  8. Good morning Sir, am 35yrs old,some years age i did a general body test which showed that i have low sperm count and i did take it serious until now that i notice my sperm is watering and low.note am married 3 months ago and this has been my great concerned.kindly recommend medicine or supplement that will increase sperm from low to normal or high.thank you sir.your quick respond will be of help to my marriage

    1. Hi Akanbi,

      If you visit our online store you would see a treatment package for low sperm count. Use it and your sperm count will gradually improve.

      1. Sir . I have a problem with my sperm. I am 42 years old. When I have sex, I don’t feel any sweetness. My last test said that my sperm flow is 25%. Please answer me.
        Thank you.

  9. Hi sir i am 28 years old and my testosteron 228 levels is too vry low can u plz suggest whch medicine have to use for this and it will be very helpful for my life ..please give medicine with fast result no any side effect.

  10. sumeer khajuria

    Sir i am 45 years old with 13 years of marriage and one child. i am suffering from erectic dysfunctional as well as premature ejaculation. i consult ayurvedic doctors and took shilajeet, shila plus, ashwabganda, muslipak , kam-on,kamroj etc. the results remains satisfactory for one year and now its not working. kindly suggest. i am feeling depressed.

  11. i am 38 years old , got married in 2015 . i have a very low sperm count . my testicles small and i have done all the tests done in manipal ankur hospital bangalore . They have suggested me for a minor sergery , but i am not confident for doing any surgery . Please sugget me

  12. Dear Sir,
    My elder brother married almost 8 years back still they are waiting for a chance to have a baby. Many doctors and counsultants examined and left them hopeless as zero sperm count.Could you please send me the details so i can suggest to them to consult.

  13. Sir,recently I have done Icsi treatment but it went failure ,I’m in confusion stage what to next how can I have a baby. My husband has low count and how to improve it. Kindly help us sir.I’m in Coimbatore ,tamilnadu.



  15. My husband has low sperm mortality…..his immortile sperm are 60%
    Is there any medication for improvement of low sperm mortality.

  16. Hi Sir,

    my husband has very low sperm count and have even done IVF but was not successful due to his low sperm count. Kindly suggest how to go about it

    1. Please send us an online consultation and attach your husband’s reports for us to evaluate the problem and come out with an appropriate solution.

        1. This is called idiopathic infertility. Or where the exact cause is not known or there is no cause at all. The good news for you is that there is a good chance of 95% success with ayurvedic treatment in such cases.

    1. aoa sir good evening
      how to increase sperm account
      I have only sperm 15 mill.
      but I need medicin plz halp
      mention medicin

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