Do you know how to stop nightfall permanently and get the lost energy, strength and stamina back?
If you are suffering from nightfall, chances are that you have already adopted all the common measures that you thought would help you get rid of nocturnal emissions.
But then why doesn’t nightfall stop?
Well, this is because just like any other health problem, nightfall also needs to be taken care of with proper guidance and planning.
Randomly switching from one measure to another in an attempt to stop nightfall is not going to help.
In this article, I will tell you a very effective and safe strategy to stop nightfall permanently.
If you follow this nightfall treatment strategy for 30 days, you can stop nightfall forever.
Before we begin, let me tell you that this is going to be a long read. If you really want to stop nightfall forever, don’t skip any part of this post.
Read and understand everything clearly and if you have any confusion, do let me know in the comments section. You can also watch this video to understand this topic in detail:
So lets start first by understanding what is nightfall and why do you have it?
What Is Nightfall and Why Does It Occur So Frequently?

Nightfall or wet dreams is the involuntary discharge of semen with or without sexual excitation during sleep.
It is also known as wet dreams or nocturnal emissions.
Often a sexually exciting dream leads to orgasm which is followed by seminal discharge.
Nightfall is universal. Every young male experiences nightfall at some point or the other.
But if you are experiencing it in excess, there could be some problems.
Excessive nightfall is caused due to excessive production of the seminal fluid, reduced viscosity of the semen and disturbances in the seminal vesicle.
Eating unhealthy food, abstinence from sexual activity for a long time and weakness of kidneys also play a role in nightfall.
Nightfall is most prevalent at the onset of puberty and during early adolescent age.
As you grow older and your sexual activity increases, the frequency of nightfall decreases.
Studies say that the frequency of nightfall averages around once every three weeks for 15 years old single male, once every five and a half weeks for 40-year-old single male, once every month for a 19-year-old married male to once every two months for 50-year-old married male.
As we age, we become more sexually active and at the same time our testosterone level starts to deplete and that is the reason why nightfall in more prevalent in younger population.
Apart from testosterone, nightfall has its roots in several other factors such as:
- Excessive masturbation
- Failure to control emotions
- Stress and anxiety
- Impeded prostate gland
- Over-consumption of porn
- Faulty notions about sex
- Frail nerves
Nightfall does not cause any problem if it occurs occasionally. The problem arises when you have frequent nocturnal emissions (sometimes up to several times per week).
Side effects of Excessive Nightfall (Nocturnal emission)
Excessive nightfall over a period of time can have some serious negative effects on a person’s physical as well as mental health.
There are certain side effects associated with excessive nightfall. These include:
- Frequent joint pains, ranging from mild to severe
- Inability to concentrate for longer
- Gastric issues, constipation and dyspepsia
- Constant tiredness
- Pain in the pelvic region, especially testicles
- Premature ejaculation
- Anxiety and depression
- Lack of self confidence
- Weight loss
- Sunken eyes
- Dark circles
- Hair fall and
- Insomnia (lack of sleep)
It is worth noting here that these side effects occur in as low as 10% of the people who are having nightfall problem. Rest 90% of the cases have no such indications.
Now that we know what is nightfall and what are its side effects, lets jump right in to our main topic and understand how to stop nightfall effectively?
How To Stop Nightfall Effectively?
The treatment of nightfall depends on its root cause. So to stop nightfall it is important to identify its cause first.
A qualified, experienced doctor can help you with that.
But if you can’t pinpoint a specific reason, worry not. Most of the times it is very difficult to find an organic cause of nightfall.
And the strategy I am going to tell you today will help you stop nightfall permanently no matter what its cause may be.
Our nightfall treatment strategy is based on the following 6 points:
- Diet modification
- Using home remedies
- Treatment with specific medicines
- Changing certain habits
- Meditation
- Exercise
Diet Modification to Stop Nightfall

The first thing that you need to do in order to stop nightfall is to keep a check on what you eat in your daily diet.
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of nightfall.
If you are suffering from nightfall, light and easy to digest food should be consumed.
Lauki, Tinda, Sitaphal, Torai, moong daal, mooli, gajar etc are some of such foods that are light and easy to digest.
Heavy and difficult to digest foods like full cream milk, meat, eggs, fish, fried food items, arbi, rajma, paneer etc should be avoided completely.
The best you can do without making an extra effort is to eat food rich in aphrodisiac properties.
Such types of foods improve the flow of blood to your reproductive organ and sexual body parts which help to stop nightfall to some extent.
A few foods that are rich in aphrodisiac properties are pomegranate, onions, garlic. Along with enhancing the blood flow, such foods cure many other health-related problems.
So, you must take such foods during your dinner or breakfast or lunch as salad items if you want to cure nightfall.
There are liquid juices like Amla or Gooseberry, which helps to stop nightfall.
ADVICE – If you are a teenager and worried about the problem of excessive semen flow and nightfall, then make sure you add almond, ginger, or banana in your milk diet. Such foods increase immunity and give relief from the nightfall concern to some extent.
Home Remedies To Stop Nightfall
Now that you have switched to a simple vegan diet, its time to adopt some simple home remedies that will help you get rid of nightfall permanently.
These home remedies will reduce the frequency of nocturnal emissions. And at the same time, they will also replenish and rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.
You can include the following home remedies in your daily routine to stop nightfall.
Coriandrum Sativum for Nocturnal Emissions

Dried seeds of coriander (also known as sabut dhania) is a wonderful ayurvedic medicine to stop nightfall.
Equal amount of coriander seeds and rock candy (mishri) should be powdered and taken one teaspoon two times a day with water.
Coriander seeds are known for their digestive properties, anti flatulent properties and anti anxiety effects.
So if the cause of nightfall is due to weakness of the digestive system and there is nightfall related anxiety in the patient, coriander seeds are specially recommended.
Fenugreek (methi)

Fenugreek has multiple health benefits. It is a rich source of choline, isonitol, biotin, vitamin A, Vitamin C, vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, and iron.
Its medicinal properties help improve digestion, cure constipation, arthritis, low testosterone, low libido and inflammation.
Its powder mixed with honey is found to be an effective nightfall treatment.
So if you are suffering form nightfall take one teaspoon of fenugreek powder mixed with pure honey at bed time.
Water Chestnut

Water chestnut, also known as singhada is a delicious fruit. It is a rich source of potassium.
Water chestnut helps reduce blood pressure, soothes the digestive system and reduces the effect of heat generating pitta.
Singhada is helpful in increasing the viscosity of semen.
Eating dried singhada powder daily helps to make the semen thick.
So if the cause of nightfall is due to less viscous semen (water like semen), water chestnut should be your first choice.
How to Control Nightfall With Medicines
Using the above-mentioned home remedies and switching to a pure vegan diet should stop nightfall within a few weeks.
But in case the frequency of nightfall does not reduce, you may need to start using medicines for nightfall control.
The aim of these medicines is to stop nightfall completely or to reduce its frequency to the bare minimum (not more than once in a month).
The following medicines can be used to stop nightfall.
(1) NFC Pack (Nightfall Cure Pack)

NFC pack is specialized nightfall treatment that consist of two ayurvedic medicines – NFC 1 and NFC 2.
NFC 1 contains 60 ayurvedic capsules which are specially designed to increase the retentive power. Its astringent, contrictive and retentive properties helps you to stop involuntary ejaculation of seminal fluid during sleep.
NFC 2, on the other hand, contains 120 tablets that are made from purified bhasm of Qalai.
Qalai is a metal which is changed into fine powder by a specific ayurvedic procedure known as incineration. Once the process of incineration is complete, small tablets are made from this bhasm which are taken twice a day.
Purified bhasm of Qalai is also know as Kushta qalai, which is a renowned ayurvedic/unani medicine for nightfall.
Dosage: Take one capsule of NFC 1 and two tablets of NFC 2 in the morning after breakfast and same dose after dinner. Remember to keep a gap of near about one hour between food intake and the medicine.
Learn more about NFC Package, our specialized nightfall medicine.
(2) Chandraprabhavati

Chandraprabhavati is a classical ayurvedic medicine for nightfall.
It is well known for its efficacy against premature ejaculation, UTI and spermatorrhea (passage of semen / sticky liquid before or after urination).
Chandraprabhavati also helps in joint and muscular pains. Something that is very common in patients having frequent nightfall.
The recommended dosage of Chandraprabhawati is 2 tablets twice a day after meals.
The treatment should be continued for 15 days to one month depending on the severity nd frequency of nocturnal emissions.
(2) Kushta Qalai

Kushta qalai is a classical Unani medicine for nightfall. It also offers excellent efficacy against semen leakage (dhaat rog) and premature ejaculation.
It is available in the market as simple Kushta (“bhasm” or fine powder) and “Qurs”( Qurs in Unani means tablet).
You can take 500mg of the kushta mixed with a teaspoon of butter or ghee daily twice a day.
If you want to take in tablet form for easy consumption, then two tablets of Kushta qalai should be taken with water twice a day.
Kushta qalai is a potent retentive and constrictive medicine. Hence it gives very good results for nightfall and other semen / discharge related issues.
(3) Dhatu Paushtik Churna

Dhatu paushtik churna is a compound ayurvedic medicine to stop nightfall.
It contains “Gokshura”, “Safed Musli” and “Ashwagandha”.
Dhatu paushtik churna helps to increase the semen viscosity by making it more thick.
Its rejuvenating herbs help to replenish the weak reproductive system.
Five gram of this powder should be taken along with kushta qalai or chandraprabhavati for best results.
(5) Majun Arad Khurma

Majun arad khurma is another wonderful nightfall medicine.
If you have been struggling with wet dreams and wonder how to stop nightfall permanently, Majun Arad Khurma should be your medicine of choice.
Majun arad khurma contains several herbs that help to strengthen the reproductive system in men.
It helps to delay orgasm, control semen leakage and stop nightfall.
Dosage: Majun arad khurma should be taken twice a day.
One teaspoon should be taken with two tablets of qurs kushta qalai in the morning before breakfast and same dose at bed time for best results.
Lifestyle Changes For Nightfall Control
By now, you must have stopped nightfall from occuring frequently. But now what? How do you prevent it from coming back again and again?
Well, adopting a few habits in your daily routine can help you stop nightfall and prevent in from coming back over and over again.
So develop the following habits in your daily life:
- Do not sleep just after dinner. You should finish your last meal of the day at least 2 hours before you go to sleep.
- Have a light and easy to digest food at night.
- Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
- Always empty bladder (urinate) before going to bed.
- Keep the room temperature warm/normal while sleeping.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing at night.
- Avoid sleeping on a very soft mattress.
- Don’t watch sexually stimulating materials before going to sleep.
- Avoid excessive masturbation.
- Avoid drinking hot milk at night.
Meditation and Nightfall Control
Meditation is not only for the monks, but you can also do it, and it’s a very effective way to control nightfall.
Most of the times nightfall happen due to sexual fantasies, frequent masturbation, watching pornography, discussing sex talks, etc.
What meditation does to the mind is it helps you to remain cool when you are turning your mind towards sexual fantasies and some other stuff.
When a person is indulging in mindful practices like yoga and meditation, it helps him to reconnect with his inner self and eliminate the thoughts that are no longer beneficial to them at this particular stage.
You all know the basics of meditation and why it’s practiced. It means having no relationship to anything inside your mind.
The inner concentration and the feelings of a human being get controlled when we practice meditation.
Meditation is considered a very effective tool by mindful gurus across the world, and so, medical science also couldn’t deny that practising meditation helps to control nightfall as it helps you relieve stress, anxiety, and gives you the power to suppress your sexual desires too!
Practicing meditation is like delving deep into the oceans of vastness and stillness through which a human mind can control his emotions, thoughts, and learn to align his own life.
And when a human mind learns to control his emotions and thoughts, the chances are extremely high that you will benefit from this home remedy to control nightfall.
Any individual, whether he’s an adult or teenager, mastering how to increase patience and tolerance is very important.
Meditation gives you all this internal power, which is also a blessing and produces well results in controlling the nightfall.
Best Exercise To Stop Nightfall
How to stop nightfall by exercise? Well, there are certain exercises that may help cure nightfall in men.
When an individual feels happier, more energetic, extra confident, then chances are extreme that such type of person hardly remains in the stress or ponder his thoughts towards something like watching porn, excessive sex talks.
And when our mind doesn’t wander on such sexual desires or wander only during the time when it’s needed, we hardly get into that state where the nightfall and excessive semen flow happens.
Building your physical endurance is very important and effective if you are looking to stop nightfall permanently.
You can practice these exercises to stop nightfall anywhere, whether it’s in the park, in your lawn, in your terrace, or in gym centres.
Indulging for 30-60 minutes in a regular daily exercise gives the best result in terms of body development and plus, doing exercise supercharges your metabolism.
If you are wondering how to stop nightfall with exercise, and what type of exercise you should do, then continue reading!
Given below are some simple and effective exercises for nightfall control –
- Daily sit on the floors folding your legs for at least 10-15 minutes.
- Sit on the floor with closed legs touching or closer to the genetic part and start shaking both the legs to strengthen the pelvic muscle.
- To improve the anal sphincter muscle, give in and out pressure with your buttock.
- Try bringing your legs up to the chest and then slowly release it. Practice it 20-30 times.
- The indoor exercise to stop nightfall is very easy. Do skipping ropes last 100-200 times before going to bed.
- Sit and stand at least 50 times continuously.
Additional Tips To Control Nightfall Problem
Don’t Go To Bed Without A Bath
Bathing with essential oils like rosemary, lavender, rose, jasmine is considered one of the best home remedies to control nightfall for ages.
When an individual has a relaxing warm bath, the activity rejuvenates the mind and body to its fullest. Moreover, bathing with essential oils promotes healthier sleep sessions.
Remove Unwanted Toxins From Your Body
If you want to treat conditions of various sexual problems mostly linked to how to stop nightfall, then taking out unwanted toxins from the body is very important.
You can flush out those toxic properties inside your body by taking green tea in your morning and evening routine. Since the drink is packed with antioxidants and collagen, it is obvious it helps to control the problem of excessive nightfall.
Engage Yourself In Productive And Creative Work
There’s nothing greater than reading a book if the craving inside you for the masturbation or some naked and seductive thoughts comes in your mind.
According to trusted studies, writing a journal or reading a book has worked out for most of the people who once was suffering from the problem of nightfall.
Moreover, if you are someone who’s addicted to watching porn and think you get nightfall due to your addiction, then enroll yourself in some mindful learning activities like meditation, exercise, yoga and etc.
Nightfall FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
nightfall or nocturnal emission is an involuntary discharge of semen while sleeping. It may occur due to increased sexual excitement, prolonged abstinence from sexual activity, hypersensitivity and excessive masturbation. Nightfall is a normal phenomenon in young adults and teenagers and most of the times there is no need to worry.
You should eat simple home cooked food if you are suffering from excessive nightfall. Soak 7 almonds in water overnight and peel their cover off in the morning. Eat this with a teaspoon of honey empty stomach in the morning to stop nightfall.
There many Ayurvedic and Unani medicines to stop nightfall like Chandraprabhavati, Kushta Qalai, Dhaat nashak churn, Veerya paushtik churna, safoof salab, Majun Arad Khurma etc.
But the best medicine to stop nightfall is undoubtedly NFC (Nightfall Cure package).
Nightfall cure package is specially formulated to cure excessive nightfall and spermatorrhea. It is based on 100% ayurvedic natural herbs that provide permanent cure from nightfall. And being herbal it does not have any side effects.
Wet dreams is a condition where you discharge semen while sleeping. This is generally associated with teenagers who often complain of having watched an erotic dream leading to orgasm and ejaculation.
Practically it is impossible to stop wet dreams since it all happens while you are fast asleep. The process is involuntary in nature.
However, there are a few precautions that you can take in order to minimize your chances of having a wet dreams. These are:
1. Do not consume pornographic material and sexually exciting content in any form (stories, videos, pics etc).
2. Empty your bladder before sleeping.
3. Do not sleep on your stomach.
4. Do not sleep in very cold temperature.
5. Eat dinner 2 hours before going to bed.
6. Avoid masturbation as much as you can.
7. Do yoga and exercises to control nightfall.
There are several other precautionary measures to stop wet dreams which can be read in the article above.
Nightfall is a completely natural phenomenon. There is nothing wrong with having nightfall. It is just a natural process of ejaculating the seminal reservoir in teenage boys and young adult men. As one ages, the tendency to nightfall decreases greatly.
Having nightfall a few times every month is OK. But sometimes the frequency of nightfall increases to several times per week or even daily. In such cases the affected person can have a psychological pressure that may lead to other somatic problems and feeling of weakness and guilt.
Nightfall has no direct connection with a decrease or increase in testosterone levels in blood. There is no study yet to conclude that having frequent nightfall reduces the serum testosterone levels.
No. Wet dreams do not affect height in any way. Some teenage boys have the misconception that having too much nightfall can stunt their growth. This is completely false and has no scientific relevance.
Final thoughts
There is a lot of confusion regarding nightfall. Some say it is completely normal to have nightfall while others may have a completely opposite opinion.
The fact is nightfall is neither good nor bad for your health. It is a natural process where the accumulated semen gets discharged during sleep. And there is no harm in it.
But if you get it in excess, and there is frequent discharge almost every day or most days in a week then there is going to be some trouble.
In ayurveda, semen (or shukr dhatu) is considered a vital source of health and vitality in men.
It is considered as the basis of life, something which gives origin to life.
For proper body maintenance and cellular regeneration shukr dhatu is essential.
So if your body is depleted of Shukra dhatu (semen) due to excessive loss during nightfall, it is surely going to have a negative impact on your overall health.
So if you don’t know how to stop nightfall, now is the time take action by following the above mentioned strategy.
If you have experienced nightfall in the past, do share your thoughts on how you handled it, and what worked for you.
I will be looking for your comments.
I am suffering from excessive nightfall about 3 to 4 times in a week and currently i am 20 year old. I have not masterbate
since last 3 months and due to this i feel weakness and not even focus in my studies.I have changed my daily routine like exercise and not eating oily and spicy food. So please suggest me some solution.
Sir, I am 39 year old man , having night fall problem since I was 24 year old, I got this issue of night fall after frequent of masturbation, now I have blood pressure and taking pill for that and alos I have acidity and taking tablet daily, please suggest if I can take your course of nfc as I ma scared to taking any tablets that may lead to hight bp or acidity as previously I took hamdard kusht kali and confido himalaya and thought that was the reason why my acidity shoot up si I stopped taking that,
so please suggest if I can take your course
Sir mera night fall bahut hota h mey Bahut presaan hu sir please batayou sir
Hello myself Adi , currently i am 25. I was suffering from nightfall when i was 15 or 16 and very frequently about 20 times in a month. Due to this i became very weak and slender, i was not able to focus in studies, i was not getting sleep, everything was quite frustrating.Due to this frustration i was searching medications for nightfall on google, then due to God’s grace i came to through NFC.Initially i ordered it in 2020 and used it for one month but i didn’t get any result. So due to expectation of immediate results i abandoned using it.But my problem of nightfall was continued and my health was getting detoriated.In July 2023 again came through this medicine.This time i bought a 3 month pack , so that i can use it for long.And yesss, literally i can’t believe , it worked.In the 2nd month only
I got the result, for the first time,since i was suffering from nightfall, nightfall didn’t happen to me for 15 days continuously it was totally unbelievable.Currently this is my 3rd month of medication and the frequency of nightfall has reduced drastically such things had never happend to me earlier iam very happy now and confident. So you people if you have come here then do buy this medicine for 3 months or more and carry on this for long time you will definitely get result.
Medicine leny ke liy kay kare
Hello doctor I am suffering from night fall. i tried a lot but it’s not in control. I took a lots of medicine i also used chndrprabha vati and I am taking it but my night fall is still like, i am so worried about it please help me doctor ….
Hello sir mujhe nightfall ki bahut hi badi samasya hai sar kaise bhi karke mujhe ise khatm Karna hai sar please sar bahut hi kharab ho gai
Bul is currently not a problem with the
Mai aapka blog padlkar bahut khush hua our mera night faal kabhi thik rahata hai to kadhi jyada hota hai our jab mera night faal kam ho jata hai to maan sabhi nukhson ko apnana chhod deta hun to night fal fir se badh jata hai
Sir in how many days after medicine taken it stops nightfall
सर मेरे सपन दोष होने के बाद कमजोर महसुस होती है बहुत
Sir I am 47 years old and suffering from dhatu dosha. Weak sexual power since childhood as the planet Venus in my horoscope just at 2 degree in Virgo sign which is a debilatated placement upto 27 degree. Since childhood my testicles are undergrown. Having earlier masturbations issues. Later turned into frequent nocturnal emmitions. Now spinal buldging and dessication in L and C section followed by digestive issues now chest weakness with arithymia of heart. Root cause is my sexual undergrown and feeble with dhatu problem. Still I am facing problem of night pollution at 47 age. Please help. Otherwise I will die very soon. Please…..
I using NFC from 3days ago…and it’s works like a magic..i love it.
Bhai pakka kaam kiya
Sir i m suffering in nightfall from last 10 years . every third day nghtfall. Can.u send me your medicine to malaysia?
Yes we do ship to malaysia. You can place your order.
I am having night fall once in 7-15 days. Can you share some tips to further reduce the frequency.
Is it completely normal??
Sir I want to talk to you in email I really need your help
Sir I overcame body heat and nightfall automatically but due to past history of excessive nightfall my pencil nerves are weak and I’m getting frequent urination and also semen releases when I go toilet two times frequently
Please help me with this weakness
Also this has caused very much indigestion in me and multivitamin s are suggested but it puts pressure on my stomach and increases indigestion
And for others who are suffering most important is not to feel guilty
And to cure it overcoming body heat is most important
For that take chach 3 times a day after your meals and drink water frequently
If you follow this anyone can overcome it
I hope I knew it earlier but I don’t want anyone to suffer from it
Hi, I have excessive nightfall issues. I am nearing 40s and have tried yoga and meditation for over 10years now but no results. Causes excessive weakness.
It is only problem of brain. So take brain madicine. Othervise i am suffring from 10 years. I trying different madicines and different remidyes with full diet control but there is no doctor in the world who break nightfall. I meet approximately 150 above doctors, adurvadik or madical special list. But it can not be cure from any one. One of the doctor in amritsar punjab he gave me madicine cantrol brain that was helpful me. Only that madicine stop nightfall for three month. At last i want to say young, you should need more sex with girls. Than it can be fully cured.
Yes you are right as nerve cell weakens we cannot control the nightfall.
Medicine name
I’m suffering from frequent night fall in a month. Almost 8 to 10 times in a month. I feel very weakness. Pain in knee. Sometimes. Pain in arms muscles. Semen is more watery. Penni’s is really sensitive. I have some digestive problem too. I feel light pain in digestive system sometimes. Please give me some guidelines. I’m from Pakistan. I’m studying in Kazakhistan. I’m studying mbbs. Can you please suggest some precautions and medicines. Please reply me on emails or wattaapp as soon as possible. I’m desperately waiting for your reply. Sir
Nice product sir thanku like you peoples are equal to God to us you have so much prestige from me
Hi, I have done 3 – 4 treatments for nocturnal emissions but nothing shows a good result. I want to buy NFC-1 and 2, but I want to know about the number of months for complete treatment and NFC-1 &b2 packs.
Treatment duration depends on the severity and history of illness. Usually 3 months course is found to provide sufficient results to cure nightfall.
Kindly help me
I requested
Weekly 5 days night falls or dhatu
Sir went please help me for solution
This is my big problem
Helo, doctor I am Ayush Ranjan and I want to tell you that I am using ‘qurs qusta kalai’ from last 15 days regularly but in these last 15 days I have three nightfall during this medicine. Please, give me some medicine name which will cure me from this.
Thank you!
How can I stop nightfall
Hii Sir
I hve just turned 16 last month .
I did masturbation previously once or twice in a week.
From last month I have taken 150 Days Challenge . It has been 18 Days till now and i hv experienced nightfall 5 times in 2 weeks.
Also sir , the fluid released is not sticky(may is not semen)??
I hv stopped watching everything which can distract me ??
Am I on wrong path??
What should I do as I am feeling guilt ?
Same bro
Ab kaise ho aap?
Hi sir Is chandraprabhavati stop nightfall permanently
Hlw sir plz help me
Hi sir, This may be odd comment for you. I am suffering from hind foot pain( plantar fasciitis) from 9 months, At beginning I realised that masturbation leads to calcium deficiency that leads increase of foot pain, so I controlled and stopped masturbation with my own perseverance and hard work. But Since I stopped masturbation, Nightfall occuring. I followed so many remedies before reading this article like eating light food, avoiding consuming non veg items, milk products and meditation, exercises, wearing lose clothing. But still Nightfall not stopped. This time my perseverance and hard work not working. It’s happening interval of every 3 to 4 days, This leads to increase of my foot pain(planter fasciitis). For cure of foot pain. Nightfall must be stop atleast two months, please help me sir, I will be more thankful for you if help me sir, please help me sir, Ever I tried I am always failing from 9 months in this case, please help me sir
Use NFC pack for 3 months to completely get rid of nightfall problem.
Sir I’m also facing this issue please tell me sir how I can overcome from this problem.
Good morning sir .Sir you speak about 5 mediticine ,that 05 medicine take at a time for one month.
Sir how can i buy NFC Medicine, is it available on amazons or other online shoping, I am from patna .pls sir i am 28 years old. I am very upset with nightfall, I have used all medicine but it is not cured.
it occurs with intervals of 4 to 6 days. what i do?
You can order from our own website on which you are reading this comment currently.
Bhaiya aapne nfc pack use kiya kya apko fyda hua kya plz reply krna plz bahut pareshan hu isse agr apka shi hua ho toh mai bhi magata hu nfc
Hi sir i m suffering night fall problem
Please share best treatment method for night fall problem
bro i observe that nightfall occurs when heat increases in our body it means we should avoid the foods that increase heat in our stomach like meat, eggs, hot milk at night, junk foods, etc we should take light food as sir already told in the article. i suggest to use isabhagol ki bhusi that cools your stomach so try to cool your mind and your stomach i bet nightfall not occur
Thanks sir for your golden advice.
Sir main past 20 years se nightfall se peresan hun meri health v thik nahi Rehti hai apke advice Ko home remedies ko follow karunga mughe believe hai ye problem meri thik ho jaye gi.
Sir can we directly eat Fenugreek seeds for nightfall control?
Assalamoalaikum sir mujhe night fall problems rehti h kya karu sir me konsi medicine lesakata hu aur sir me kahu ke beej kha sakta hi kya
Hlo sir from 1 month i am suffering from continuous night falll problem and getting watery semen what should i do sir PLZZ help me
I’m tired of night fall issue. I want to stop it permanently now. I didn’t watch porn for 20 days but after that nightfall occurs. And now It happens regularly after 1 day. My body is in high pain, my myopia gets increase. Please help me sir.
Did you try the NFC treatment package?
Sir i am suffering from night fall please help me
Sir please help me. how can I buy the NFC treatment package I’m in Nigerian. Please sir I really need your help
I have been suffering from nightfall for more than 7 years. It’s happens frequently. 5 or 6 times a week . Sir please help me.
My name is Ayush
I want to make an IAS officer
But I can not focus on study due to my excess nightfall
Sometimes continuously 5 days
Sometime continuously 3 day
Sir, I am not watching porn.
And I m not thinking about sex
Phir ve Hota hai sir 2-year sai
Bro i am also pursuing professional course or mere sath bhi yehi hai
Hi, I have been facing automatic ejaculation of my sperm, when I am sleeping or several times, I have ejaculate to sleep peacefully. But, when I wake up in the morning, I feel weakness and I feel very low concentration in my studies, I feel vulnerable while studying and this weakness continues in me for 4-5 days. But, again in a week, I have ejaculate for getting good sleep, why this is happening with me, do I need to get checked by good doctor? I have been facing this problem for almost 10 years. Please help me, I am unable to concentrate in my studies.
Hi sir,
Sir mujhe nightfall 2 saal.se hai mai abhi 18 saal kaa hu iske liye maine kaafi ilaj karvaya lekin ye ruk.nahi raha hai mai daily morning aur evening exercise bhi karta hu lekin fir bhi mujhe ye bohot jyada hota hai aur ek raat me do baar hota hai,sir mere ling ki nase kamjor,ling me tedapan aur dhilapan aagaya hai, aur iske bajese peshab bhi bohot jyada aata hai iske sabhi side effects mujhe hua hai please sir muje iska permanent ilaj batayiye
swallow sliced garlic before going to bed ..90% chance of not happening that day..and stop
watching porn erotic thinking
Is this really work?
Thanks very much for clearing all myths but I have one doubt can I raise my health and reduce nightfall the same time
Also please let me know if we overcome it, will it return??
Lastly thanks for the advices I m going to stick to it
Sir I am very thankful to you sir. Very helpful message sir. Very very thankful to you sir
Sir I need medicine
Thnqq sir its article is soo helpful for me n sir plz tell me how can i book a appointment with u or online meating.
Good morning sir
I am suffering night fall and semen leakage. I did over masturbation and I am 42 year old and currently I am living in uae .kindly advice me
Thanks I will surely try this
Great help .. god bless you sir
I am graduating now & tried many more for N.F.
But not get anything is here
Wanna end n.f. before board exams.
Sir, I am 20 years old and I have nightfall even regular. I tried so many Ayurveda medicine but can’t stop. It is increased day by day. At first, only nightfall happened but nowadays it is going to ejaculate when my pennis is stand. I am suffering this problem for even one year. Also, I have a girlfriend but I cant touch her because if I touch her than my sperm will automatically eject.my penis size also reduce due to this and after eject penis not get hard please suggest me medicine please help me
Hi Yogesh,
The problem you have explained is basically due to hypersensitivity. Your penis has become over-sensitive and this is causing frequent nightfall and precum leakage. You can use the Nightfall cure package, which is a very effective treatment to stop nightfall permanently. Follow the tips and advises that I shared in this post and I am sure, within a short period of time, your problems will resolve. All the best.
I am suffering from both NIGHT FALL(3-4 times in a week) and PREMATURE EJACULATION(within few seconds).
Can this product(NFC) CURES BOTH.
Pl give your What’s app no
You can WhatsApp us on +916398786962
Sir, I need help with nightfall.
Sir , I need help from night fall
Is it possible that only the fluid had came out without the semen. I’m practicing semen retention and this question intrigues me. A reply would be highly appreciated.
Thank you sir for your information..
Sir, I am 20 years old and I have nightfall even regular. I tried so many Ayurveda medicine but can’t stop. It is increased day by day. At first, only nightfall happened but nowadays it is going to ejaculate when my pennis is stand. I am suffering this problem for even one year. Also, I have a girlfriend but I cant touch her because if I touch her than my sperm will automatically eject.
I also this problem I can’t understand what I do if you have any solution them please tell me also.
sir, I am having nightfall almost twice a day please help me. I am 18 years old. Also, my parents think that I am masturbating every day and no focus on study. PLZ HELP…
i am suffering nightfall from 7,8 years,also joint pain brain weakness or body weaknes so pls help
SIr I am going to GYM so due to lifting heavy weights and drinking excessive amount of water after gym can cause NIGHTFALL in 3-4 days?
No, going to the gym and lifting heavy weights does not cause nightfall.
i am so depressed with nightfall whenever it happens my body gets so week next day, joint pain, tiredness, irritated mood, etc
twice or thrice in a week since last three years…. now i am almost 25 yeras old, m i going to die soon????
plz help me i am not living a best version of my life even after trying to live best…. because nightfall happens and next day i am done with everything
plz help me to choose best medicine for nightfall plz plz plz
You’re not going to die. But your gender is in danger. Like me. Don’t wry I am also trying to find some strong medicine to cure this nightfall stuff. Just try to be happy and pray to god
Assalamu alaikum
I am suffering from knightfall near about its been 10 year my sperm is watery, nightfall occurs 6 to 7 time in a month,
What should I do, please help me
Sir Mujhe N.F Daily Ho Raha Hai Or Isse Mujhe Bohot Zada Kamjori Aarahi Hai Or Isse Mere Eyes K Dark Circles Ho Rahe Hai Or Weekness K Karan Mere Ek Eyes Mai Tirchapan Bhi Aagaya Hai Or Hairs Fall & Hair Grey Bhi Ho Rahe Hai please sir Reply Me
Dear sir iam not able to control my night fall do help me sir somuch off weight loss happening sir please help me
I need medicine
I have night fall problem since 7-8 year right now I’m 24.before night fall problem I masturbate but at some how I stop masturbate but after this I met with this problem usually I had wet dreams due to gas problem or digestion problem I had very weak digestion,some times it will not happen 1 months but sometimes 2 in a week,what I do pls suggest,some times I fell go for Vasectomy.
Sir!! I m 21 years old
i m suffering from profuse nightfall
N I feel too much muscularweakness n mental weakness
I m a medical student n can’t concentrate too much on studies due to this problem
It happens 3-4 time a week
I am 18 years old and I am suffering from nightfall from one and half year how to avoid it? It happens 2-3 times in a week. I feels very weak and I can’t concentrate on my studies. What to do please suggest?
Try our Nightfall Treatment. It will help you.
Sir i am manoj Nayak form odisha and my problem night fall so need help .
I am 15 yrs boy and I have been suffering from night fall since a year I don’t do masturbation see any porn video even don’t thought about it I cool my body before going to bed but I got nightfall every one day later⁶
I am 32 years old I am married since 2010 but still I am night falling about 2 to 4 time in a weak my penis size is very small also I am unable to satisfy my partner due to frequently night fall please suggest me some medicines
Sir iam suffering nightfall problem from 2 years i have tried many things medicine but not get succes to cure them completely i am very frustrated plz sir help me
Hello Sir,
I am suffering from Nightfall from last 1 year, i have taken some Power Medicines recommended by a Doctor. After taking those medicines, Nightfall has stopped for 1-2 months but again it started.
Also my weight is not increasing however i am having good and healthy diet regularly…
Can you please suggest me.
You should use our nightfall treatment for 3 months to completely cure this issue. Your weight is also not increasing because of nightfall. Once the root cause is rectified, the weight will also increase.
Hello sir…
I m suffering from night fall from last 5 years… And it happens in one week 3-4 times… And I m 21 years old… And I go for gym for fitness but because of nightfall I m very much weak… And my weight is also not increasing and my chest is going inside and so many problems are there I m suffering from… Because of nightfall…. Sir please please please suggest me effective medicine for me… Plss pls pls sir….
Hallo sir,
I am 28, no married.I am suffering from night falls last 3 month, 2-3 times per week. which medicine best for me sir?
Sir I am suffering with nightfall from last 4-5 years, I tried lot of ayurveda medicine like (ashwagandha,shatavari, safed musali, kaunch beej) package, I also do pranayama at morning and some time at evening also. I have changed my diet. I most take green vegetables. I do meditation both time at morning and before night then also I could control nightfall. Please give solution to cure it 100%.
Sir I have one problem .the problem is nightfall and I had show is problem he give me medicine but it not stopping sir please do some advice or medicine to me I will get good health
Hi Anil,
We have a special treatment for nightfall. You can use that.
Thanks a lot. …
Sir plz tell me plzzzz
Hi sir, I am also suffering with nightfall from 8yrs. I am now 24yrs age. Night fall done weekly once or twice. I used so many medicines but there is no use. Sir please give me your advise sir
Hi Gopal,
Nightfall once in a week is okay. You do not need to worry about it. But if it is causing weakness and other issues then only you should be concerned about it.
Hey bro same situation here, can I get your whatsapp number bro pls.
Sir i m suffering of nightfall from last 10 years . every week or 15 days nghtfall occurs.Can u send me your medicine in patna.
Is it available in amazon or Flipkart,how to order this product. is it COD available?
Please help me also sir. I am very serious for the same cause and I take medicine but it does not stop.
Have you tried NFC Pack …?
high night fail and inability of proper erection and premature ejaculation ?
Read the article properly
Sir hme nightfall bahut hoti one month me 5,6 time,Mera hair loss bahut jada ho rha hai ,hair white ho rhe hai bahut jada es nightfall ki wajah se sir plz meri help kijiye,meri age hai 21, weight hai 49kg,kuch v khate hai body ko nhi lgti,
Is NFC-1 and 2 available in Iraq?
No. But we do ship to Iraq.
That medicine side effects happen or not
I have nightfall in three times in a week. After nightfall, I feel a bit pain in my urinary system. It also happened when I ate fish, eggs,dates, drink milk or water before bed. Due to most frequently nightfall, my studies disturbed almost. I’m a medical student. I’m doing MBBS. I’m from forign country. Please suggest something for me. Please
Dear Mr Zaidi,
I AM R.R.Zaidi from Dubai. I am 35. I have problem of nightfall and premature ejection. Please advise medication.
Start with NFC pack. Once nightfall is controlled then use Xtra Power capsule for erectile dysfunction.